Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wellness - Wednesday...summer's on its way

TODAY: Sole (So-lay)

I believe it very important to ph balance the body, it's good for our health. One way to get alkaline is by taking Sole, once a day, everyday.

What is Sole:
Sole is a mixture of water and crystal salt (I use Himalayan Salt and Spring Water or a good Artesian Water. Himalayan Crystal Salt is the purest salt on Earth, it is over 250 million years old and is absolutely uncontaminated, without any toxins or pollutants)

The Salt Misunderstanding:
Salt is NOT bad for us. As a matter of fact, we cannot live without salt. The human body consists of primarily 2 elements......water and salt...... HOWEVER, regular table salt is a problem, it has been fired at 1500 degrees, chemically cleaned and processed, and left without the trace minerals and elements that naturally occur in UNREFINED salt, leaving us with inorganic salt, that our bodies will not digest, it is like poison to our bodies.
Unrefined salt (like Himalayan Salt) is unprocessed and is just like the sodium that occurs naturally in the body, with 84 natural elements and minerals....... it is essential to our daily lives and definitely good for us.

The benefits of Sole:
Sole is wonderful, I take it everyday. It helps to balance the body's pH and get rid of heavy metals. It is rich in vital minerals, improves digestion and cleans your intestines. Sole has a calming effect on the entire nervous system and can improve your quality of sleep, it helps in the extraction of excess acidity from the cells in the body, particularly the brain cells. It has Chromium, Zinc and Iodine, which will help to give you a more beautiful, clear skin and help heal skin disease by cleaning from the inside out.. It will help normalize the blood pressure and balance your blood sugar levels. Sole acts as a natural antihistamine, clearing up congestion in your sinuses and can aid in weight loss, too. It can prevent muscle cramps, varicose veins and is vital for maintaining your libido, and if taken on a daily basis, builds electrolytes inside.

So in close:
Understand your body and the importance of keeping it alkaline. Adding a teaspoon of Sole first thing in the morning, before you eat or drink anything, will help alkaline you and keep you healthy and disease free.*

To Make Himalayan Salt Sole:
In a glass jar (with NO metal rim or lid, metal de-ionizes the salt) place Himalayan Salt (chunks or grain) and fill with a good spring water. Let sit for 24 hours (to insure optimal saturation level, there should always be salt in the bottom of the jar, if it is all dissolved, add more salt). Your Sole is now ready....... take one (1) teaspoon on an empty stomach, daily (mix with water, if you need to, and drink), you will soon notice the beneficial changes.

Have a wonderful evening........ remember the thoughts we think and the words we speak, are the energies we live in......... have only good thoughts and speak only kind words.

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

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