Monday, December 26, 2016

.... Merry Christmas, let the spirit of the season fill you heart with love, health and happiness...
Happy Holidays, this is a season to share your love and warmth, with those you love & those in need..Happy New Year, this is your opportunity to make a difference, make a change, inspire anew

`May your days be filled with all the love and happiness, one can hold,
`May you give of yourself to others, sharing your warmth and love,
`May you have an amazing Happy New Year celebration use the new breaths in the new year to make a difference in life, make a change, be inspired and begin anew, have abetter place to live and breathe
`Life is wonderful.... clear out the energies from your personal environment that do not evoke goodness.... keep a clear mind and a clear path to a brighter, even more fulfilling future.... As far as we know, this life comes but once, there is no better time than now, know matter your age, your financial status, no matter better time than now, to make a difference....go for it, dream big, decide your path and go for it.

Have a beautiful evening....
Lucy Blu

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

TODAY:  Hope
Just for today I will feel hope, I will give hope to someone in need, I will speak hope, to everyone I talk to, I will believe there is hope in every situation and for every person... Just for today, since we can only live one day at a time...

Have a beautiful evening...

Lucy Blu

Friday, December 2, 2016

TODAY:  just for today

Just for today I will have no fear, instead I will have that everything will be just fine.... just for today, since we can only live one day at a time

Have a beautiful day...

Lucy Blu

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

GINA GINA: what a beautiful day...TODAY: Healing wounds with Essential Oils

Weather you have a cut, scrap, scratch, puncture or insect bite, there is Essential Oil that can help to quicken the healing process. Essential Oils contain many medicinal properties from being anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, antiseptic, to analgesic, from anti-inflammatory and antibiotic, to homeostatic (helps stop the bleeding). The properties in Essential Oils are absolutely amazing. Most of the over-the-counter products for these wounds, have petroleum products in them. The molecule of petroleum salves are too big to penetrate the skin, so they sit on top. Essential Oils, on the other hand, their molecules are small and are absorbed right into the skin, Essential Oils can even penetrate the blood brain barrier.

All Essential Oils contain MANY of the properties listed above. The following suggestions are just a few applications for the named Essential Oil:

Lemon, Oregano, Melaleuca

Disinfecting an abrasion (sore, cut, wound, bite):
Melaleuca, Clove, Rosemary, Oregano, Thyme

Infected cuts and wounds:
Clove, Myrrh, Lavender

Helichrysum, Lavender, Geranium (different type of scars, different essential oil)

Stop Bleeding (hemostatic oils (help clot blood)):
Rose, Helichrysum, Geranium, Lemon

Pain Relief:
Lavender, Marjoram, Wintergreen, Sandalwood

Lavender and Melaleuca are two of the best essential oils for all around wound healing.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the beneficial powers and properties of Essential Oils. It is my belief that there is an Essential Oil out there for almost every ailment known to mankind. Next time you're in need try one of these instead of an "over the counter"ointment, it's a healthier way to heal.

You will soon be able to order your favorite healing Essential Oil Blend from my GINA GINA online boutique....keep an eye out:)

Have a beautiful evening.........

Lucy Blu,
for:  positive living in sin

*CAUTION: if you have any concerns or questions, please seek professional medical advice. ALSO: as always, Essential Oils are extremely powerful, a very small amount goes a long way, dilute when necessary, and use with extreme care and caution, and if in question CONSULT your physician...

**DoTerra, YoungLiving

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

TODAY: just for today, I will

Just for today, I will focus my thoughts and breath to all those that have been taken from us, I will make each second count for more than a second, in their memory.... just for today, I will be the light at the end of a dark tunnel, I will be hope in a world of concern, I will be the shoulder to lean on for anyone in need.... just for today, since we can only live one day at a time...

Like me, Share me, have a beautiful day

Lucy Blu
for:  positive living in sin

Monday, October 10, 2016

TODAY: a Celebration

Hi, I am Gina, owner/proprietor of GINA GINA....a Unique Boutique, located in the heart of the Spanish Trail Business Park, in Las Vegas, Nevada... when I was about 16 years old, I learned about Energy Healing (thru Hypnotherapy Sessions)... I have continued to use Energy Healing on myself, helping family members and in the last several years, I became a certified Reiki Master and have expanded my practice to the public and include: Energy Healing Sessions,  Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Positive Living Life Coaching or a blend of sessions. 

My partner, my husband (Johnny) and I designed and built a beautiful little place, here in Las Vegas, for us to work out of... we create, design, write and live as the artists that we dream to be..... On one side of this beautiful building is The Studios. Johnny being a professional musician, this is where he creates and writes music and works with other artists on projects; we also hold our Energy Sessions on this side and offer music lessons; on the other side is my GINA GINA boutique, where we create and develop products and gifts to enhance your life and personal environment: personalized essential oil blends, himalayan salt lamps/scrubs, all natural reed diffusers, we also have Organic Teas, One-of-a-Kind Gemstone Jewelry and so much more. 

We love what we do, we enjoy where we create... sharing positive living philosophies with our clients, friends and family..... Come in and visit or check us out online @  or, we are working on the online boutique and should have it open very soon......

Have a beautiful day..... and remember, each breath you take is a gift, make the most of it, even if it's doing nothing.....

All my best,

Gina (Lucy Blu)

Friday, October 7, 2016

Just for today...
I will not worry about tomorrow, I will push out of my personal environment all discomfort... Just for today, I will not dwell in self pity, I will be strong and feel confident I am doing the best I can... Just for today, I will not hold onto feelings of anger, I will be happy and know that if I am happy, I have a better chance of making this world a little, better place.... Just for today, since we can only life one day at a time....

Have a beautiful day....

Lucy Blu

Friday, September 16, 2016

TODAY: Just for Today
Just for today, I will stretch a hand out to someone in need, I will ask for nothing in return, I will be a shoulder to lean on and a heart to give love and understanding.... just for today, I will not let it be about me, but about you, I will be your strength in the line of fire, I will get your back, if someone is unkind.... just for today, I will be the voice of someone who doesn't have the wherewithal  to be their own, I will stand up for the person who can't stand up for themselves.... just for today, since we can only live one day at a time....

Have a beautiful night...

Lucy Blu

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

TODAY: Heal the Past, Live the Present, Dream the Future

So many of us never "Heal the past".... If we don't do that, we will probably carry within ourselves a negative energy, one that eats slowly away at the  person we are suppose to be.... healing the past seems hard, but is actually pretty easy.... Set you're mind to it..... Then "do it"..... let go of hindering thoughts and memories, you can do this by "forgiving".... forgive yourself, none of us are perfect, so if we can accept that statement, then we should be able to forgive ourselves.... forgive others, again "none of us are perfect", so if someone has done something or been unkind, said mean things about you, whatever it is (or was), FORGIVE THEM, they don't even have to know you've done this.... once you've gotten down the "forgiving", most likely your past will be healed....
"Live the Present".... not one of us is guaranteed our next breath, so if we are graced with one, then we should attempt to make the most of it..... making the most of a moment can be as simple as "sitting and listening to the sound of wind" or being fully engaged in something using all your energy and thoughts.... Living the Present is using your ability as a human being to do with the now all that you can and want, so as to not have wasted the gifted breath or have any regrets ....
"Dream the Future".... don't live in the future, do your best to not "wait to be happy" until something in the future takes place, if you are going to think about your tomorrows, make them thoughts of dreams, that way when the "dreams of the future" come to fruition, and "the Future is now the Present" you can appreciate it all as part of "living the present" without encumbrances "from the past".

Have a beautiful day.....

Lucy Blu

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Today: Music and All its Benefits
Music and All its Benefits
by: G.G. Evans
Music has always been the base of my life. From a single word meditation to my favorite songs on the radio, listening to an orchestra to hearing the song from a songbird. Music is what heals, motivates and encourages me, in all aspects of my life. I am married to a professional musician, whose mother is a professional musician. A couple of years ago, Johnny's mom took a bad fall and since that time her memory has dramatically decreased. However, when we get her in front of a piano, her hands and heart have forgotten nothing. Music still sings out from her and I believe it is what keeps her happy and still with us. 

Everything in life is in a constant state of movement. Everything in our physical world is made up of moving atoms and molecules. Consequently, everything is vibrating (emitting energy and sound). Music is vibration/frequencies, something so powerful a deaf person can also experience it’s magic. There are known frequencies said to promote healing and a positive atmosphere. 528 Hz (from the ancient Solfeggio Frequencies), called the “Frequency of Love” is also used for DNA repair by many alternative healers. There are many frequencies and each is said to have individual healing capacities and are used in meditation circles, energy sessions and other sessions alike. 

My belief is we can unblock all dis-ease from within our bodies, thru music vibrations/frequencies. It has been said that, typically, when the body vibrates at a low frequency it is out of balance. Listening or feeling music can help one to increase their vibration, thus helping to remove dis-ease and bring about balance from within. 

Music can be the key to a healthy and abundant life... We can use music to get balanced or stay balanced, daily. In my "Positive Living" sessions, (which may included life coaching, Reiki, Chakra Balancing) and my boutique, there is always music playing. I do this to set an atmosphere, invoke a frequency, set a tone for our clients. Currently, in The Studios @GINA GINA, we offer music lessons (bass, drums, guitar, piano, voice) and will begin in late September, early October offering our Music Energy Sessions (MES, where music sounds, chants, drums and tones are used to help alleviate the stresses of day to day living). 

Music is the art of placing sound or tones in combinations. Music can be the chanting of "Om", the rustling of leaves in a tree or the sound of a waterfall. Music does not have to have a melody, beginning or end. All life, thru the vibrations of music, can be positively affected. At GINA GINA and The Studios at GINA GINA, we believe that music is "The Symphony of Life" and can and should be used to "Enhance our Mind, Body, Souls and Personal Environments". 

Have a musical day....

Lucy Blu

Location: 6835 West Tropicana #100, Las Vegas. For more information, call 702-998-4748 or visit 
Thank you to: Natural Awakenings Magazine, September Issue 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

TODAY:  Forgive, Let Go, Move On

Life is way too short not to forgive, let go, or move on .... when you don't allow yourself the opportunity to heal, then there is no healing to take place.... For your life and health, teach yourself how to: Forgive---Forgive yourself - (don't carry guilt around), Forgive others - (if you don't, then you risk the chance of carrying that persons negative energy and what does that do for you).... Let Go - the weight of regret, anger, disappointment is heavy, the art of Letting Go, eliminates all that extra weight, allowing you to feel free, free to.... Move On - teach yourself how to move on, TRULY Move On, this is the one thing that if you do it, it means you've already "Forgiven" and "Let Go" and you are ready to put the focus back on what is right for you, it is only in the "Moving On" that we can fully be in the moment "that is"....

Have a beautiful day....

Lucy Blu

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

TODAY: would you stop to help

I just read about 2 middle-distance runners, at the Olympics, that had taken bad falls during a the other runners passed them by, they both helped each other up, made sure each were ok and then finished their race -- During this last flood in Louisiana, a woman's car was sinking, with her and her dog in it... several people jumped in to help, rescuing her (and her dog:)) from the water -- On my way home, the other day, I saw this guy trying to pull his belongings out of a gated gutter they'd fallen into, another guy, riding his bike, stopped, got off his bike and went over to help him retrieve his belongings -- several months ago, I saw a young woman guiding a mother duck and her 8 ducklings across a major intersection and down a street to the safety of a lake.... all of these events of kindness make me smile and make me ask of myself "would I stop to do the same" -- for me the answer is a very easy..."Yes, absolutely!" -- I would like to believe most  people would... that mankind is a beautiful species and most of us would want to help -- We need to remember when viewing news feeds or tv, that sensationalism sells, so that will be mostly what we see, read or hear.... in real life, most people are good, kind and want to help.... and I love that....

Have a beautiful day....

Lucy Blu

Thursday, August 11, 2016

TODAY: Just for today: good day for a good day!

Just for today, I will inhale all that is good and exhale all discomfort, I will be grateful for that breath and not waste it with something insignificant.... Just for today, I will smile at everyone I see and believe that just a smile can bring about happiness..... Just for today,  I will not complain about anything, knowing that everything will somehow turn out alright..... Just for today, I will hold myself to a higher standard and then work hard to stay there..... Just for today, since we can only live "one day at a time".....

Have a beautiful day....

Lucy Blu

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

TODAY:  positive affirmation of life

By what we do today, we create our history and design our future... get in the game, it's called life and live it with intent and purpose... no regrets...

Have a beautiful day...

Lucy Blu

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

TODAY:  a positive thought

Wishing you deep breaths of life's positive energy... may it fill your heart and soul with everything you dream for...

Have a beautiful day,

Lucy Blu

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

TODAY: Success, it's for everyone

Not sure who said these two quotes, but they sure are true:

First 1:  "shortest road to success, is knowing who to follow"
Second 2: "Success is a matter of not quitting and failure is a matter of giving up too soon"

The first one: "knowing who to follow"... that can be difficult to determine and we might (and I did) follow the wrong "who"... many times.... but don't let that be defeating, it's not always the "shortest road..." that will be the best road.... stay on your path, keep your thoughts and dreams focused on you and covet nothing from others... as a matter of fact, let the success of others propel you and encourage you.... then its not just "knowing who to follow", 'it's' knowing what to get from the those you choose to follow'... so then, maybe...'the road to success, is knowing what to get from those you follow'...

The second one: success-not quitting/failure-giving up.... I'd rather not look at "success" through the eyes of failure,'s not that there won't be times of failure, I just think if we are speaking of "success", it would be just as easy to keep it in positive term... so then, maybe... "Success is a matter of not quitting and" 'not giving up'....

We can all be successful, look into your life at the smallest thing ...  ie. 'smiling at the world when you wake up from sleeping',... to the biggest thing ... ie. 'ending your day, still smiling at the world), ....Success, truly is for everyone....

Have a beautiful day....

Lucy Blu

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY:  Life is Good

Life is good.... It's not meant to be endured, it's meant to be enjoyed... It's not meant to be weathered, it's meant to be wondered... It's not meant to hold you back, it's meant to drive you forward.... Life is anything and everything you want to make of it.... Not that it won't be without its difficulties, but for the most part, Life is Good....

Like me, share me, have a beautiful day....

Lucy Blu

Friday, July 15, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: Brushing and Cut

*Merkaba - divine light used to connect and reach those in tune with higher realms*

There is know getting away from life.... it is going to happen and there is no stopping it, nor should we want to.... for the most part its great.... however, not holding onto or for that matter letting into your soul,  negative happenings, thoughts or people, is absolutely something we can control.... I teach my Reiki clients the "Brush and Cut".... it is a great technique to let go of, release or remove negative energies that seem to attach themselves to us and don't want to leave....

*With intent to rid yourself of these negative energies: "swipe with one hand off of the top of your other hand, towards your fingers, 3X's (this is brushing) and then switch brushing hands and do the other 3X's, *then cross your forearms in front of you and making the sign of an X and push your hands outward (un-X'ing them) (this is cutting)"...

You can do this anytime, anyplace, for whatever reason.... it might take doing it a few times, but I'm sure with practice you, too, will be able to "Cut and Brush" your way out of anything and everything that causes discomfort within and live a more fruitful, happy life...

Remember, you are your own boss.... yes we need things to get along on this plane, but we only have to take on to our thoughts, body and soul, those things that we want there, everything else should be dismissed.

Have a beautiful day and weekend...

Lucy Blu

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: Brushing and Cut

*Merkaba - divine light used to connect and reach those in tune with higher realms*

There is know getting away from life.... it is going to happen and there is no stopping it, nor should we want to.... for the most part its great.... however, not holding onto or for that matter letting into your soul,  negative happenings, thoughts or people, is absolutely something we can control.... I teach my Reiki clients the "Brush and Cut".... it is a great technique to let go of, release or remove negative energies that seem to attach themselves to us and don't want to leave....

*With intent to rid yourself of these negative energies: "swipe with one hand off of the top of your other hand, towards your fingers, 3X's (this is brushing) and then switch brushing hands and do the other 3X's, *then cross your forearms in front of you and making the sign of an X and push your hands outward (un-X'ing them) (this is cutting)"...

You can do this anytime, anyplace, for whatever reason.... it might take doing it a few times, but I'm sure with practice you, too, will be able to "Cut and Brush" your way out of anything and everything that causes discomfort within and live a more fruitful, happy life...

Remember, you are your own boss.... yes we need things to get along on this plane, but we only have to take on to our thoughts, body and soul, those things that we want there, everything else should be dismissed.

Have a beautiful day and weekend...

Lucy Blu

Thursday, July 14, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY - Abracadabra - I create as I speak

Abracadabra, I create as I speak... I speak as I think... I think as I'm moved... I'm moved by all that surrounds me...

have a beautiful day....

Lucy Blu

Thursday, June 23, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY:  Life is a Moment...

With light and happiness to help guide you thru... No doubt of its goodness, its all here for you... Each new breath you take is the only one that matters... Live for the moment, abundance and laughter... Life is a moment, go fill it with a dream...

Have a beautiful day...

Lucy Blu

Monday, June 20, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: "Strawberry Moon" (called a once in a lifetime event)

TONIGHT, for about 9 hours, you will be able to see, what is called "a once in a lifetime event" ... the "Strawberry Moon"... this is a June, full moon, but is rare because it is happening on the Northern Hemispheres Summer Solstice (which is the longest day of the year)... Last time this happened was in 1967 and will not occur again until June, 2062... Take a moment and check it out tonight, should be awesome and a good time to strengthen your insides, eliminate personal weaknesses and cleanse any crystals or stones you have...

Have a beautiful Strawberry Moon....

Lucy Blu

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY - just for today

just for today, I will not take any shortcuts, I will put my best foot forward, even if I feel tired, I will not allow emotional baggage to take hold, I will be grateful for every moment I am blessed with... just for today, I will not hold any grudges, I will let go of all that has passed and smile at what is now... just for today, I will be the person I always dream to be, I will feel complete and know that I am fortunate and love my life... just for today, since we can only live one day at a time...

Have a beautiful evening...

Lucy Blu

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: your day to shine

Let the sun of a new day shine bright on your life, know the moon of the new night will make dark into light... every breath that you're grace with is you special gift, it will strengthen your insides and give you that lift... and in the dawn of the new day, when it's your time to shine... you can be bold and dream big dreams, of life in a rhyme... remember to help others less fortunate than you... may all things be beautiful, much love for you too...

have a beautiful day...

Lucy Blu

Friday, June 10, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: being thankful

When you go to bed tonight, thank this world for its splendor
When you wake in the morning, know you're given a treasure
Of new hope, new beginnings, new dreams to make real
In the dawn of a the new day, know its your time to heal

Have a beautiful day....remember, your next breath is not guaranteed, if you are gifted one, make something good of it.....

all my best,
Lucy Blu

Thursday, June 9, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY:  Life is a moment

Life is a moment, you can fill with a dream
Never let the past hold your down, is what I mean
Let go of the yesterdays, be they good, bad or fair
They are gone now forever, that's all you should care

Have a beautiful day, fill it with dreamed moments.....

all my best,
Lucy Blu

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: Thank you to all those who serve in the military to keep us safe
Happy Memorial Day🇺🇸
My dad , Charles Cole Grissom, was a Marine and retired Lt. Col. Army... he was an amazing man, father and patriot.... He loved this country and instilled the same love for the United States of America in his kids..... hHe came from a long line of family members that served in the military, my grandfather Merica Charles Grissom, who rode in the calvary and with just a ninth grade education, rose to the rank of Lt Col.
My mother, Elizabeth Rhey Grissom, 1st generation American, felt the same patriotism for the United States, as my father did  .... If my parents were still with us to celebrate Memorial Day, they would have had the BBQ going🍔, music playing 🎼🎷and probably some awesome fireworks to set off in the evening🎆🎇🌠 .....    😎 I love my country, I believe the USA is the best country in the world and I am proud to call myself American.... We are not without problems and differences, however, I believe we have more good and commonalities, and, as Americans, we have the right to believe and achieve, what ever we can dream.... Thank you to my dad, grandfather, all those men and women, who have served to protect us and our rights.... Hope you had a safe and beautiful Memorial weekend!🇺🇸
Lt. Col Charles Cole Grissom (that's my dad, isn't he beautiful, I love him and miss him, very much, but I am very grateful for every moment I had him here with me ...)    

 Have a beautiful day....
Lucy Blu

Friday, May 27, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY:  just for today, since we can only live one day at a time

Just for today, I will trust and let go of hidden fears, I will allow this world to take place and be confident it will go well.... just for today, I will be satisfied with everything that takes place, even it is difficult, I will understand there is a reason, even if I can't see it.... just for today, I will love everything around me, unconditionally, without looking for anything in return.... just for today, since we can only live one day at a time

Have a beautiful day....

Lucy Blu

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: saying "Goodbye to a friend"

I just got news that a very dear friend has passed away.... so sad.... My husband and I loved this man, so very much!.... I feel numb, in disbelief.... I want to go back a few days and talk with him on the phone, not FB message, not an email, but pick up the phone and here his voice.... I'm so sad I can't do that, I'm so sad I didn't do that.... a small suggestion, if you are thinking about someone, wanting to say "Hi", maybe just check in to see how they're doing..... PICK UP THE PHONE and CALL THEM!.... don't wait.... because, if you wait, you might end up like me, right now.....sad, because I didn't do that when I was thinking about it and now I can't.....

All my love and prayers to all.... have a beautiful evening....

Lucy Blu

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: just for today

Just for today, I will cherish the moments I am gifted, I will not forsake others, I will put into my life what it is I want to get out of life, I will be happy and grateful, just for today, since we can only live one day at a time....

Have a beautiful day....

Lucy Blu

Monday, May 16, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

Just for today I will remember how lucky I am and share my good fortune with everyone and everything around me, I will be starlight to guide in a dark night, I will be the coolness of shade in a hot moment, I will be sanctuary for peace for anyone in need, just for today, since we can only live one day at a time....

like me, share me, have a beautiful day...

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Thursday, April 21, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY:  Prince...

a true artist, a true original, never one to follow a trend, always being a trend in peace, Prince....we all love

Lucy Blu

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: Enhancing your "personal environment"

I firmly believe we are all made of energy, from the inside to the outside.... We are constantly being bombarded with ideas and solutions of how to "get thin", "get rid of wrinkles" and what to "eat", "drink" or even "believe" and how to "act", if that is what you are looking for guidance in, then that is great, however, we are rarely talked to about our "energy space"..... This is the area right around the outside of your body..... We walk with it, sleep with it, go to work with it, eat with it, invite others into it, negate others away from it...... our "energy space" is vitally important to our physical body (inside and outside) and emotional health..... If you allow something, someone, some thought to remain in your energy space, that is uncomfortable, makes you uneasy or troublesome, you are then opening up your physical body and emotional health to be compromised.... It is up to each one of us, individually, to take care of this space, remove any and all things that cause dis-ease and maintain a healthy, happy energy space.... If you can do this, "negate from the immediate world around you, your "energy space"", anything that doesn't lead to fulfillment, happiness, health or something else positive in your life, you will be allowing yourself the greatest potential of achieving and receiving all that you dream for.... So, in close, don't just enhance your mind, body and soul.... make sure to include your "personal environment", too.

Have a beautiful day...

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city .com

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY:  I am just human

I only want to feel happiness, yet there are times when I feel sad.... I wish to only think positive, but there are times when my thoughts are not.... I would like to instantly forgive someone that has been unkind to me, sometimes it takes longer than I like.... I like to dream to the moon and sometimes those dreams don't come true.... this is all "OK".... it is the effort behind the action that is good and not everything will turn out the way "I want" "I wish" and "would like", for I am just human and that is all just part of life......

Have a beautiful day.....

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Thursday, April 7, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: just for today, happiness and finances

Just for today, I will be happy for what it is that I have, the next breath, family, friends, I will not allow my happiness to be dictated by my finances, how much or how little I have.... There is no one in this world that will escape having difficult times in life, even the most wealthy.... I know it sounds cliche, but money does not make the world go around, the world will go around with or with out money in it.... count your blessings and you will then recognized that you do not lack for anything... allow yourself to have a heightened spirit and happiness by the simple things, flowers blooming in the spring, a rainfall, a baby taking their first steps, getting up in the morning and just breathing, these are simple, yet beautiful things.... not allowing your happiness to be dictated by finances is liberating, money will come and go, but you and you alone can be the "decider" of the amount of happiness you will feel, use that power wisely and you will never feel least, just for today, since we can only live one day at a time....

Have a beautiful day...

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin

Friday, April 1, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: just for today, since we can only live one day at a time

Just for today, keep your head up high, keep your fears down low, keep the lights on, let no shadow dim the glow, keep the love of living in your heart and in your soul, keep the art of giving up in the front row, keep the spirit around you in good company of peace, keep the dawn of a new day, let go of yesterday, release, keep your eyes on this moment for there's no future guarantees, inhale your next breath of life, it's the one that you should seize, ....just for today, since we can only live one day at a time...

like me, share me, have a beautiful day...

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: In the light of everything

In the light of day you think you see so clear, in the light of truth you think you bring yourself near, in the light of happiness you believe what you see, in the light of promises you can only hope it will be..... In the light of life we attempt to make our decisions, however, don't ever count on the light shining bright, count on yourself so that even the dark of anything you'll see the light of everything..... Don't be confused by words or promises of others, look within to find your truth and you will live in the light of everything.......

Have a beautiful day.....

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city TM

Friday, March 25, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY - all things good

This world is a funny place, there is only goodness to be gained, if it is goodness you are looking for.... Keep a clear head, a positive thought and love in your heart, always, and you will never be let

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Monday, March 21, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: Reaching out for help

From time to time we all need to reach out to others for some sort of help..... Some may find this a very difficult thing to do, but I say "Do It"...... Life can be tough and strenuous and if we need a little support or help in reaching our goals, don't be afraid to ask for some..... I believe most people want to help and would not turn their back on you, most people are basically good..... If you are caught in a moment (or longer) of time that you are searching for answers and they're not coming, if your lost for an idea of what to do next, if you're afraid and just need someone to talk with, "Do It", turn to a family member, friend or even an acquaintance and ask for help..... It is far better than residing yourself to the unknown, it is far better than leaving yourself in the dark and afraid, it is far better than standing still and not moving forward, because you don't know where to go..... I promise there is someone out there that will try to help..... And remember, when you reach out, have your heart and mind open to receive what is being offered back, even if you don't use it..........

Have a beautiful day,

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY:  an affirmation

Just for today, I will not let things get to me, I will rise above the chatter, I will not engage in gossip, as a matter of fact if someone wishes to gossip about someone else to me, I will stand up for that person...just for today, I will be a positive energy, I will be the shining light at the end of a tunnel, I will be the shoulder to lean on for those that are in need.... just for today, I will show love and caring for all and I will not be afraid to do so.... just for today, since we can only live one day at a time....

Have a beautiful day...

Lucy Blu
for: postive living in sin city

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: just a thought

I've no doubt that every person on this planet at one time or another will have moments that they just want to give up....things are too difficult, finances are too strained, the relationship is just not where they want it to all of these instances and million more like them, typically the only problem the person is having is they're just plain tired......can't think.....can't form ideas or solutions.......... So instead of quitting, get some a meditation.......take a long walk......listen to your favorite uplifting music.....just don't make any rash decisions......As a matter of fact, try not to make any decisions while angry.....and don't do something you might regret the moment for action for when you have more clarity.....and definitely don't speak out, unless and until you are ready to live with the words you'll be speaking... Difficult times are a part of life, teach yourself to go into "auto mode" where you do only the things that help you to be the person you truly want to be. Leave all the decisions for the heavy, not needed at this very moment time, for later, when you are rested and feeling better.....Remember to strive to live without regret and if you find yourself having regret, have your moment, then "let it go"....nothing lasts forever and the only way you can get over something is to get over it...

Have a beautiful day...

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Monday, February 22, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city
Just for today, all things will be beautiful, all thoughts will be kind, all actions will be meaningful, to no one will I be blind, all perceptions will be positive, all my focus sincere, with intent and purpose, I will live this one day of the year...just for today, since we can only live one day at a time...
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city ™®
like me, share me, have a beautiful day...
today is the beginning of the rest of your life, make it great
GINA GINA - positive living in sin city
Just for today, all things will be beautiful, all thoughts will be kind, all actions will be meaningful, to no one will I be blind, all perceptions will be positive, all my focus sincere, with intent and purpose, I will live this one day of the year...just for today, since we can only live one day at a time...
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city ™®
like me, share me, have a beautiful day...

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY:  mind, body, soul and Personal Environment

We have all heard about taking care of our mind, body and souls, however, has anyone spoken with you about taking care of your "personal environment"?.... that is as important as the other three, maybe even more. Your personal environment is the area surrounding the outside of your body..... you walk around in it all day, you take it to work with you, to bed with you, into the shower, out to eat.....this area, your personal environment, is subjected to infiltrations, good and difficult, all the time, so it is very important that you pay attention to it and take care of it..... make sure not to allow things of discomfort to dwell to long or things that put you off balance to linger, keep out of your personal environment things that make you act in ways you would not normally act... this area should be purged of negative energies, infused with positive energies and looked after on a regular basis....... our personal environment should be enhanced by sounds and smells and feelings of happiness, it is the cloak of energy that can protect our mind, body and souls, making it very important to us and our general wellbeing....... Love your Personal Environment and you will in turn be loving life........

Like me, Share me, have a beautiful day......

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Thursday, January 7, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: If I could make one wish come true

If I could make one wish come true, it would be that no person on this earth ever felt the need to hurt another human being or animal. I can't imagine the anguish that must go on inside someone's head that could do something like that.....I send all people positive thoughts and energies, but I'd especially like to send out thoughts of positive energy to all those that are compelled by something, I really don't understand, something that makes them physically want to strike out in anger.... to you, I wish, happiness, compassion and the wisdom to understand that when you intentionally go to hurt someone or a helpless animal, you are, seriously, just hurting yourself.... let go of anger and frustration, be a positive force in this world, the return will be much more fulfilling than you can imagine....

Have a beautiful night....

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: pearls of wisdom and positive energy

Here we are in the fifth day of a New Year, have you noticed a change, does it seem like something special will happen this year.....well, it will..... With every new day we have that opportunity to start something new, finish something unfinished, make changes in areas we feel are needed and understand that our purpose on this earth is special, each one of us, special, and with your special purpose, you will have that something special happening for you..... Digest pearls of wisdom from all that is around you and emit pearls of positive energy back into this beautiful world we live in....

Have an awesome night........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city