Wednesday, May 28, 2014

WELLNESS and you.....Wednesday, cloudy and beautiful

TODAY: Body Alkaline, for spring, for life

Spring is here and what better time to start getting mentally and physically in shape for the summer ahead. While were are doing that, might as well work on getting our body alkaline. We live with typically acidic insides, this is unhealthy and stressful on our internal organs. Living with an acidic body opens us up to disease and illness, getting our bodies alkaline can help us in living a balanced healthy lifestyle.

There are many ways to get alkaline, these are just a few:

*Drink water with a 1/2 fresh squeezed lemon. Lemon itself is acidic, however, in the body it becomes alkaline and is a fabulous way to quench you thirst, too.......

*Go outside in the evening or the morning, listen to the world as you take deep breaths,
.........5 counts in, feel the air fill up the lungs and then all the way into the lower belly,
.........hold for 3 counts
.........5 counts out, as you exhale, push out all of the air, from the lower belly and up thru the lungs
.........Repeat at least 10 times
.........while you do this, imagine when you breath in your entire body filling up with all that is good, into every cell inside you, as you hold your breath imagine the pure air healing everything inside of you, then as you exhale imagine releasing, from every cell, all the that is not good..... release it completely...

*Take a brisk walk, or get some exercise

*eat your veggies, dark greens especially

In close: there are many more ways to alkaline our bodies, pick one that resonates with you and practice it on a daily basis (if it resonates with you, then you will be more likely to do it regularly)........ the benefits of getting your body alkaline are fabulous, your skin and eyes and health in general will appreciate it.

Make it a beautiful evening......

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

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