Thursday, May 1, 2014

Wellness - Thursday...Happy May 1st

TODAY:  Energy Cleansing

Energy Cleansing is something you can do for yourself or your environment (home, office). Today I am going to discuss Energy Cleansing of yourself. The act of cleansing is not about fixing or changing anything. Energy, in general, wants to move about, but if we feel stressed or traumatized, most of us have the tendency to emotionally tighten up, trapping emotional energy inside of us, energy that would otherwise naturally wants to be released. When we trap these emotions on the inside, we are fixing those energies to our own energy field. In some way, to some degree, we all do this. We hold onto thoughts, perceptions or misconceptions, either consciously or unconsciously. In order to release these energies, we need to purposefully do so. We need to become aware of what it is we are holding onto and why, we need to to this consciously. Once we recognize the negative energy within, it is quite easy to then give it up, as a matter of fact it will become almost automatic. Once we have determined what the disturbing feelings lie within, we can then release them and replace them with positve thoughts of peace, tranquility, love and worthiness. This energy cleansing time is one that you should be kind and gentle with yourself, through, you can start with the act of forgiveness from within, be present in unconditional love of who you are and enjoy the peace and calm that remains. Unwind those beliefs of limitation in their early stages, before they have manifested in your physical body. Those manifestations, if gone uncleared and uncleansed, can lead to disease (dis - ease), an imbalance of your emotions and many other debilitating problems.The more you can understand and witness your own despair, discomfort or negative feelings, the quicker they will be released from you. It is only in the recognition of these feelings that we are able to let them go and thus cleanse our own energy. Have you ever seen someone that looks like they don't have a problem in the world, well, it's not because they don't have any problems, it's probably because they let things go, they don't hold the stresses and circumstances of life, within. You can do this to, with effort and allowing the beauty of life to fill you, replacing negative emotions or long held negative beliefs with the thought of "I am loved", "I am worthy",  "I forgive", you are allowing your mind and soul to heal. Opening your heart and thoughts to the truth of who you are, you can experience trust and unconditional love of yourself, your energy will be cleansed.

There are many ways to energy cleanse, it's best to be alone without distraction, have a special place that is not cluttered with lots of things (a cluttered space is a cluttered mind), create a prayer and say it, this will allow you to settle into the cleanse and then do things like: chanting or using a mantra; listening to healing music and allowing the vibrations to overtake your being; burning incense cleanses the air you breathe while meditating (use an all natural incense or sage). When you are in your special place acknowledge the negative energies you've been holding onto and then let them go.

In close: The process of Energy Cleansing will get easier every time you do it. The more you Energy Cleanse, purposefully, the less negative energies will you hold onto, the less negative energies you have within, the more abundant and beautiful your life will be.

Have a blessed evening........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

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