Wednesday, May 28, 2014
WELLNESS and you.....Wednesday, cloudy and beautiful
TODAY: Body Alkaline, for spring, for life
Spring is here and what better time to start getting mentally and physically in shape for the summer ahead. While were are doing that, might as well work on getting our body alkaline. We live with typically acidic insides, this is unhealthy and stressful on our internal organs. Living with an acidic body opens us up to disease and illness, getting our bodies alkaline can help us in living a balanced healthy lifestyle.
There are many ways to get alkaline, these are just a few:
*Drink water with a 1/2 fresh squeezed lemon. Lemon itself is acidic, however, in the body it becomes alkaline and is a fabulous way to quench you thirst, too.......
*Go outside in the evening or the morning, listen to the world as you take deep breaths,
.........5 counts in, feel the air fill up the lungs and then all the way into the lower belly,
.........hold for 3 counts
.........5 counts out, as you exhale, push out all of the air, from the lower belly and up thru the lungs
.........Repeat at least 10 times
.........while you do this, imagine when you breath in your entire body filling up with all that is good, into every cell inside you, as you hold your breath imagine the pure air healing everything inside of you, then as you exhale imagine releasing, from every cell, all the that is not good..... release it completely...
*Take a brisk walk, or get some exercise
*eat your veggies, dark greens especially
In close: there are many more ways to alkaline our bodies, pick one that resonates with you and practice it on a daily basis (if it resonates with you, then you will be more likely to do it regularly)........ the benefits of getting your body alkaline are fabulous, your skin and eyes and health in general will appreciate it.
Make it a beautiful evening......
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city
Friday, May 23, 2014
GINA GINA - Friday.........have a great Friday night
TODAY: Deep Breathing
Pay attention to the way you are breathing, right now...... are you breathing deep enough?????
Most of us are shallow breathers......... and because society loves a flat stomach, most of us walk around holding our stomachs in, this in turn causes us to shallow breath and not allow the air to reach fully into your chest, lungs and down deep into the lower belly......... Shallow breathing has an adverse affect on our health..... it allows the build up of stress and can contribute to anxiety and depression. When emotions run high and your feeling out of sorts, you are also most likely to shallow breath at this time (when you just need a few deep breaths). Deep breathing fresh air is also a way to alkaline your body.
Deep breathing could be one of the simplest way to improve your health. You can reclaim your physical and mental health by practicing deep breathing exercises. They will help you to overcome negative emotions and possibly even physical pain. Deep breathing is a trade of incoming oxygen for the outgoing carbon dioxide.........
The benefits of deep breathing are awesome:
Your body will release up to 70% of its toxins through breathing. Deep breathing is a way to oxygenate the brain, thus releasing tension, relaxing the mind and body, bringing about clarity. It can help strengthen the immune system, increase digestion and assimilation of food, strengthens the lungs and makes the heart stronger. Deep breathing is also oxygenating all of the cells in your body, it can increase muscle, improve posture and improve cellular regeneration. You can elevate your mood, increase your energy level and improve your stamina. Deep breathing can also assist you in weight control. The process of deep breathing helps increase the circulation of the lymphatic fluid which can speed up recovery after an illness. Your nervous system is calmer, your physical appearance is better and emotionally you will feel better. The process of deep breathing will help you to lower your blood pressure and release endorphins, which improves the feeling of well-being.
How to Deep Breath:
Deep breathing, when done properly, is when you breathe deeply into your abdomen (not just your chest). The exercises should be slow, rhythmic, deep, in through the nose and out through the mouth. You can do the exercise standing or lying down, make sure you allow yourself to be free from all other distractions and relax:
1. inhale through the nose, filling your chest and then expanding the breath into your belly, count to 5 on the inhale. Feel the goodness of the oxygen entering into every cell in your body, as you breath in
2. hold the breath for a count of 3
3. exhale through your mouth, counting slowly to 5, exhaling from your lower belly, through your lungs, all the way up and out, feel your entire body releasing the old energy, releasing any negative feelings and thoughts, too
4. repeat several times, and even several times a day (you can not deep breathe enough)
In close:
Deep breathing should be a practice we all indulge in. You can do it in bed, at your desk at work, on a walk, just about anytime, anywhere. Try to create a routine for yourself and practice deep breathing daily. The benefits are amazing and it's free.
Deeply breathe in the wonders of this beautiful world and enjoy.........
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
GINA GINA on - Wednesday and it is beautiful, hopes it's beautiful where ever your at, too
TODAY: "a second" "a deep breath" and then just "let it go"
I know most of us would like to live, everyday, in a positive way.......... and I believe we can. I try to, every morning, when I wake up, every night, when I go to bed and several times during the day, to take a few minutes (or even seconds) for positive affirmation, raising my own vibration of energy. This doesn't mean I will never be bothered by anything, or never get upset, but when times are trying or difficult, being able to take a deep breath and remember I am the maker of my own space, knowing that the thoughts I think, the words I say, will be the energy that surrounds me and I'll have to live with, definitely makes it easier to not let those moments get to me (not for long, anyhow)..... instead I make a concentrated effort to "just let it go" and before I know it everything seems to be alright, again.
One night, a couple of months ago, there was a shooting, right here, barely 50 yards from the front door to my "Positive Living" boutique....... a 26 year old man was shot in a road rage incident and later died at the hospital. He had 2 kids in the back seat when it happened.......... I wonder if the shooter (who, I don't believe has been caught, yet) new the kids were there and would he have even cared? It's so sad those kids will now have to grow up without a father, and over what??? Things like this happen everyday, everywhere, but they don't have to. This world is big enough for all of us to live in and in a positive way. If someone makes you angry or does something that makes you want to lose you temper, remember "you are your own keeper", don't let their actions or misdeeds determine the energy field that will surround you and you'll have to live in. Give yourself the second and take a deep breath and then just "let it go", what ever it is...........imagine if the gunman, who got so ticked off at "something???", and then ultimately killed a young man, imagine if he had "JUST LET IT GO", those kids would still have their father and the gunman would not now be a murderer.
So remember the next time life (someone or something) wants to get to you, give yourself "that second" to remember, then take the "deep breath", and then "just let it go"............ there is nothing more important than keeping yourself in check and maintaining your positive energy within........... positive living is right here for anyone to have.......... everyday.......... all day......... all we have to do is "make it so".
Have an awesome evening, do something kind for a stranger (it feels good)........
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city
Tuesday, May 20, 2014 feels like summer
TODAY: a few words.........a positive affirmation
If I think and then it's so, then I will only think positive thoughts
If the energy around me is the same energy I put out, then I will only put out positive energy
We are the deciders of our own lives.......... don't wait for someone else to lift you up, raise your own vibration and lift yourself up.........
We have choices, try to make them good ones
Have a beautiful evening
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city
TODAY: a few words.........a positive affirmation
If I think and then it's so, then I will only think positive thoughts
If the energy around me is the same energy I put out, then I will only put out positive energy
We are the deciders of our own lives.......... don't wait for someone else to lift you up, raise your own vibration and lift yourself up.........
We have choices, try to make them good ones
Have a beautiful evening
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Wellness - Thursday...Happy May 1st
TODAY: Energy Cleansing
Energy Cleansing is something you can do for yourself or your environment (home, office). Today I am going to discuss Energy Cleansing of yourself. The act of cleansing is not about fixing or changing anything. Energy, in general, wants to move about, but if we feel stressed or traumatized, most of us have the tendency to emotionally tighten up, trapping emotional energy inside of us, energy that would otherwise naturally wants to be released. When we trap these emotions on the inside, we are fixing those energies to our own energy field. In some way, to some degree, we all do this. We hold onto thoughts, perceptions or misconceptions, either consciously or unconsciously. In order to release these energies, we need to purposefully do so. We need to become aware of what it is we are holding onto and why, we need to to this consciously. Once we recognize the negative energy within, it is quite easy to then give it up, as a matter of fact it will become almost automatic. Once we have determined what the disturbing feelings lie within, we can then release them and replace them with positve thoughts of peace, tranquility, love and worthiness. This energy cleansing time is one that you should be kind and gentle with yourself, through, you can start with the act of forgiveness from within, be present in unconditional love of who you are and enjoy the peace and calm that remains. Unwind those beliefs of limitation in their early stages, before they have manifested in your physical body. Those manifestations, if gone uncleared and uncleansed, can lead to disease (dis - ease), an imbalance of your emotions and many other debilitating problems.The more you can understand and witness your own despair, discomfort or negative feelings, the quicker they will be released from you. It is only in the recognition of these feelings that we are able to let them go and thus cleanse our own energy. Have you ever seen someone that looks like they don't have a problem in the world, well, it's not because they don't have any problems, it's probably because they let things go, they don't hold the stresses and circumstances of life, within. You can do this to, with effort and allowing the beauty of life to fill you, replacing negative emotions or long held negative beliefs with the thought of "I am loved", "I am worthy", "I forgive", you are allowing your mind and soul to heal. Opening your heart and thoughts to the truth of who you are, you can experience trust and unconditional love of yourself, your energy will be cleansed.
There are many ways to energy cleanse, it's best to be alone without distraction, have a special place that is not cluttered with lots of things (a cluttered space is a cluttered mind), create a prayer and say it, this will allow you to settle into the cleanse and then do things like: chanting or using a mantra; listening to healing music and allowing the vibrations to overtake your being; burning incense cleanses the air you breathe while meditating (use an all natural incense or sage). When you are in your special place acknowledge the negative energies you've been holding onto and then let them go.
In close: The process of Energy Cleansing will get easier every time you do it. The more you Energy Cleanse, purposefully, the less negative energies will you hold onto, the less negative energies you have within, the more abundant and beautiful your life will be.
Have a blessed evening........
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city
TODAY: Energy Cleansing
Energy Cleansing is something you can do for yourself or your environment (home, office). Today I am going to discuss Energy Cleansing of yourself. The act of cleansing is not about fixing or changing anything. Energy, in general, wants to move about, but if we feel stressed or traumatized, most of us have the tendency to emotionally tighten up, trapping emotional energy inside of us, energy that would otherwise naturally wants to be released. When we trap these emotions on the inside, we are fixing those energies to our own energy field. In some way, to some degree, we all do this. We hold onto thoughts, perceptions or misconceptions, either consciously or unconsciously. In order to release these energies, we need to purposefully do so. We need to become aware of what it is we are holding onto and why, we need to to this consciously. Once we recognize the negative energy within, it is quite easy to then give it up, as a matter of fact it will become almost automatic. Once we have determined what the disturbing feelings lie within, we can then release them and replace them with positve thoughts of peace, tranquility, love and worthiness. This energy cleansing time is one that you should be kind and gentle with yourself, through, you can start with the act of forgiveness from within, be present in unconditional love of who you are and enjoy the peace and calm that remains. Unwind those beliefs of limitation in their early stages, before they have manifested in your physical body. Those manifestations, if gone uncleared and uncleansed, can lead to disease (dis - ease), an imbalance of your emotions and many other debilitating problems.The more you can understand and witness your own despair, discomfort or negative feelings, the quicker they will be released from you. It is only in the recognition of these feelings that we are able to let them go and thus cleanse our own energy. Have you ever seen someone that looks like they don't have a problem in the world, well, it's not because they don't have any problems, it's probably because they let things go, they don't hold the stresses and circumstances of life, within. You can do this to, with effort and allowing the beauty of life to fill you, replacing negative emotions or long held negative beliefs with the thought of "I am loved", "I am worthy", "I forgive", you are allowing your mind and soul to heal. Opening your heart and thoughts to the truth of who you are, you can experience trust and unconditional love of yourself, your energy will be cleansed.
There are many ways to energy cleanse, it's best to be alone without distraction, have a special place that is not cluttered with lots of things (a cluttered space is a cluttered mind), create a prayer and say it, this will allow you to settle into the cleanse and then do things like: chanting or using a mantra; listening to healing music and allowing the vibrations to overtake your being; burning incense cleanses the air you breathe while meditating (use an all natural incense or sage). When you are in your special place acknowledge the negative energies you've been holding onto and then let them go.
In close: The process of Energy Cleansing will get easier every time you do it. The more you Energy Cleanse, purposefully, the less negative energies will you hold onto, the less negative energies you have within, the more abundant and beautiful your life will be.
Have a blessed evening........
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city
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