Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday....... calm and clear


Chi is a positive energy force inherent in all things, it is "natural energy", or "life force", its literal translation is "breath".  Associated with the most powerful animal of the Chinese mythology, the dragon, Chi is the underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts.* Chi flows through every part of your body, from your toes to your head. Linking all energy forces, Chi pulsates through all materials and forms. Human Chi flows through people, House Chi flows through a dwelling, Earth Chi refers to on earth, as well as in the ground and Heaven Chi moves through the celestial cycles.  Feng shui is the art of using and concentrating Chi. The flow of Chi is sensitive to all sorts of circumstances, elements, shapes, obstructions. The concept of Chi is found in several cultures. It is the "mana" in the Hawaiian culture, the "prana" in the Hindu religion, the "ruah" in the Jewish culture and "vital energy" in Western philosophy.

A few ways to balance your Chi:

Acupuncture: is the most popular form. This is the precise insertion of needles into the body, in an attempt to correct the flow of energy and restore balance.

Chi Gong: is the ancient Chinese art of balancing the energy flow by a chi gong master.

Chakra Healing: uses the chakras to balance and charge the energy field. It involves the detailed understanding of a healer and the energy anatomy.

Reiki: usually involves a "hands on energy healing" by a initiated reiki practioner or master.

Therapeutic Touch: the practitioner smooths out your energy field without ever touching the physical body.

Meditation: you, yourself, cleanses out any negative energy, replacing it with a positive flow of energy.

In close:
We all should strive to live with a clear Chi, a state where all that flows in and around us is in harmony.

Have a beautiful evening.

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city


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