Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday....... all day

TODAY: Frankincense

 I've spoken about Essential Oils, how wonderful they are and the many benefits derived from each different one. So not to be overwhelmed, I will discuss them individually, from time to time. Today is "Frankincense".

Frankincense is the extremely aromatic resin  taken from the genus of the Boswellia tree. There are several species  of the frankincense tree, each produces a slightly different type of resin. Even when it is the same species, if the soil and climate are diverse, then so will be the Frankincense. These Sacra trees are able to grow in very tough environments, even out of a solid rock. The resin is "tapped" from the trees 2-3 times a year, the final tapping said to produce the best product. Its quality is determined by its color, purity, aroma, age and shape, the various grades of Frankincense also depends on the time it is harvested (it is said the more opaque the color of resin is, the higher quality).

The word Frankincense means "high quality incense" and is used in incense, perfumes, neat (undiluted) on the body and as aromatherapy (diffused into the air). its' properties are said to be antiseptic and inflammatory. In ancient times Frankincense was used for medicinal purposes and has been traded for more than 5000 years. Frankincense resin is edible and is used in African and Asian traditional medicines for digestion and healthy skin (if used internally the frankincense should be translucent w/no black or brown impurities). It is said that it has healing properties and has been used in the treatment of arthritis, healing wounds, purifying the air and strengthening the female hormone system, burning frankincense in a house is said to bring good health and it is used often in religious rituals. Frankincense has a relaxing effect on the human body, it is used for uplifting  ones mood and gaining a heightened awareness (thus said to be an antidepressant). It is used to help with skin conditions, from acne to wrinkles and can reduce scarring from wounds. Frankincense is a wonderful facial product, use with steam for a facial or inhale to benefit your lungs. It is used in meditation, for joint and muscle pain, for stomach problems and on a warm or cool water compress to your forehead as a relaxing after exercise ritual.

In close:
There are many benefits and uses for Frankincense, it is one of my favorite Essential Oils. If you are just starting to use essential oils in your life, I would highly recommend adding Frankincense as one of your first, you won't be disappointed.

Have a wonderful evening.
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

*history *doterra*wikipedia *everything essential *biblicalarchaeology

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