Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday..........last day of March

TODAY: Procrastination

I wish I could say I never procrastinate, but I do, not on everything, usually on the things I least want to do (right?)........... right now that's my taxes......... I wanted them to be out by the end of January, then for sure by the end of February, finally, absolutely by the end of March, and what am I doing right now........... you got it, my taxes, hopefully they will be out by tomorrow night......... I'll let you know..........

In close: if I had not procrastinated and finished them by my first finish date, or 2nd, at least by my last, I would now have no stress, no worries, no "I gotta get this done now" feeling......... procrastination, sucks, I'm adding it to my "new years resolutions"....... I for sure won't be here next year:)

Hope you've done your taxes and can enjoy the evening (even if you haven't, enjoy your evening... pick up tomorrow where you left off today).......

all my best,
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Friday, March 28, 2014

GINA GINA Friday.....the last weekend of March

TODAY: a few words

The last weekend of March is here, make it a great one.....raise your vibration by doing something kind for someone......

all my best,
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Thursday, March 27, 2014

GINA GINA-Thursday......cloudy and beautiful

TODAY: the "Laws of Nature", let them be

If we don't force an issue and let it work itself out, chances are it will work itself out and probably go the right way, too. From time to time, the "Laws of Nature" want to dictate what direction we should go. If we fight them, we ultimately spend a lot of time spinning our wheels and probably end up doing things the way the "Laws of Nature" intended them to go in the first place.........

In close: don't fight the "Laws of Nature" in life, move with them, adjust with their twists and turns, it is so much easier on our bodies (on a cellular level)......NO STRESS and let it be..........

Have a peaceful evening......

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday.....windy, windy, windy, here in Las Vegas

TODAY: a few words.........a positive affirmation

Since we are the thoughts we think, think good thoughts........ Since we have choice in life, choose to make the most of it....... Since we are the ones that have to get ourselves anywhere we dream, then dream big and take yourself there....... as the saying goes: "if it's to be, it's up to me"

Have a beautiful evening,

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


TODAY:  Melaleuca Essential Oil (Tea Tree Oil) Essential, Essential Oil

Melaleuca Essential Oil or Tea Tree Oil has been around since it was discovered to have antiseptic properties, back in Captain Cooks day. It has become a standard treatment for the prevention and treatment of infections and wounds. Melaleuca E.O. properties are: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral, Anti-infectious, Anti-inflammatory, it is an Antioxidant and Antiseptic, Melaleuca helps the digestive system and works as a decongestant, it is an Antiparasitic and used as an Insecticide, it is a stimulant and also works as a Regenerative on your tissue.
You can use Melaleuca topically and neat (undiluted) or dilute with a good carrier oil and then use for:  skin problems, toenail fungus, cuts, bites and wounds. Melaleuca is great for acne, dandruff, it supports the immune system, and in a 4% dilution is said to be effective for mouth and gum problems (**CAUTION).  It is used for allergies, ear infections, sunburns, ringworm and cavities, coughs and ear infections. Put Melaleuca Essential Oil right on a new acne break out, it's amazing. Try mixing a few drops with distilled water in a spritz and take it with you everywhere to freshen up, disinfect or deodorize almost anything (CAUTION don't use on pets) It is also a wonderful essential oil to diffuse into the air. Remember, as with all good essential oils, they are powerful, so when in doubt or unsure, use a good carrier oil to dilute it, my favorite is Coconut Oil (which is really good in and of itself).

In close: so this was the last of my Essential, Essential Oil list.......lets review:
*Lavender *Chamomile *Rosemary *Lemon *Peppermint *Geranium *Melaleuca *and my personal favorite Frankincense
Good Essential Oils are fabulous, if you are new to them, start simple, pick a favorite and begin using it in all the wonderful ways you can and then grow from there.  The use of Essential Oil is a very powerful and self enlightening thing, you will find yourself resonating with different scents at different times in your life, go with it and enjoy all the benefits that come along.

Have a beautiful evening,

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

**CAUTION for MOST brands NOT RECOMMENDED for internal use*USE with care during pregnancy *and if you have any concerns, PLEASE consult with a physician.
**CAUTION Melaleuca (Tea Tree Oil) I've read and been told is NOT GOOD FOR PETS

Monday, March 24, 2014 50th post:)

TODAY: Body Alkaline, for spring

Spring is here and what better time to start getting mentally and physically in shape for the summer ahead. While you are doing that, work on getting your body alkaline. We live with typically acidic insides, that is unhealthy and stressful on our internal organs. Living with an acidic body opens you up to disease and illness, getting body alkaline can help you to live a balanced healthy lifestyle.

There are many ways to get alkaline, these are just a few:

*Drink water with a 1/2 fresh squeezed lemon. Lemon itself is acidic, however, in the body it becomes alkaline and is a fabulous way to quench you thirst, too.......

*Go outside in the evening or the morning, listen to the world as you take deep breaths,
.........5 counts in, as you feel the air fill you up, all the way into your lower belly
.........hold for 3 counts
.........5 counts out, as you exhale, pushing out all of the air, from the lower belly, up thru the lungs
.........Repeat at least 10 times
.........and while you do this, imagine when you breath in your entire body filling up with all that is good, into every cell in you, as you hold your breath imagine the pure air healing everything inside of you, then as you exhale imagine releasing from every cell, all that is not good, release it completely...

*Take a brisk walk, get some exercise

*eat your veggies, dark greens especially

In close: there are many more ways to alkaline our bodies, too, pick one that resonates with you and practice it on a daily basis........ the benefits are fabulous, your skin and eyes and health in general will appreciate it.

Have a beautiful evening.......

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday.........sweet Friday

TODAY: short and sweet

The sun sets slow over the mountains, the day turns into night, the moon and stars dance through the sky, 'till morning dawn brings its light.........

Have a safe and great Friday

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday......the first day of Spring

TODAY: The March Equinox (spring for us in the Northern Hemisphere)

Equinox, means "Equal Night", this occasion occurs twice a year, March and September. The March Equinox is around March 20th and sometimes 21st. This Equinox is the beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of Fall in the Southern Hemisphere. It is thought of by many to be a time of renew and rebirth.  Many people and religions celebrate holidays at this time, such as Easter and Passover. Hundreds of years ago, people celebrated the Spring Equinox with giving thanks for the restoring of their food supplies. The March equinox is that moment when the sun lines up with the celestial equator, from north to south. For us in the Northern Hemisphere, the sun rises earlier and sets later. Flowers, crops and plants are all in bloom and we get to start basking in the warmer days of spring and look forward to the long nights of summer.

Happy Spring........make it great........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday.........spring is just about here

TODAY: just a few words...........

In this world there's a time to make life happen and a time watch life happen (like when you take a minute to stop and smell the roses).........

In close:  don't forget to stop and smell the roses, it's not all work
goodbye winter, hello spring,

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday.......there's so much snow still on Mt. Charleston, it's beautiful

TODAY: Aries

This is the first of the zodiac signs and as so, Aries tend to lead the way. Aries are born between March 21st and April 20th, their planetary ruler is Mars. In general Aries are full of life and tend to be independent, adventurous, ambitious and impulsive. The Aries can be quite serious and intense when the topic resonates with them. With deep and analytical minds they make good leaders, but not so much a follower, they love their freedom and welcome a good challenge.

The symbol for the Aries is the Ram. Powerful and strong, asserting itself to climb the highest mountains just to see what it has to offer. Though the personality of an Aries is strong, they sometimes have inner esteem issues, so driven for success, failures seem much bigger than they are. Aries are said to be direct and typically positive people,  but can also be rigid and have a bad temper , they are prone to making rash decisions and can be manipulating. Individuals born under the Aries sign will work hard to make life happen, they would much rather participate than be a spectator. They like excitement and will push hard for the adrenalin high. The Aries tends to be passionate about life and inspirational to others.

In close: Happy Astrological Birthday to all those Aries out there. This is your month, make it a great one.

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday....beautiful Monday

TODAY: "Geranium" Essential Oil....

Geranium Essential Oil is a great one of the "Essential, Essential Oils", it has a lot of health benefits to offer, and is used often in the practice of aromatherapy.  Geranium Essential Oil has an effect on the nervous system and can help with anxiety, fear and depression. Its scent is uplifting, promoting inner peace. When diffused this oil can help one find their inner self, the flowery sweet fragrance is exotic and is great to help create intimacy. Geranium is also know for being a diuretic, its "cytophylactic" properties (the recycling of dead cells and the regeneration of new cells) is what helps to boost the metabolism and plays a role in the restoration of our new cells by recycling the dead ones. It has shown to have a good effect on neuralgia, burns, ulcer, PMS and anger issues.*

Geranium Essential Oil (E.O.) is an Astringent, great for our skin, it nourishes it and provides proper nourishment to our skin cells.  It is very beneficial in the treatment of skin infection, dermatitis, acne and other infections of the throat, nose and respiratory system. It is anti-aging, will help blood vessels, muscles (including the stomach), skin and the gums in your mouth, to contract. This contraction makes Geranium E.O.  good for preventing skin from sagging, muscles from deteriorating and by the gums tightening up helps prevent tooth loss. It is a antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti fungal, helps to protect against infections from cuts, scratches, wounds, it boosts the immune system, allowing the body to defend itself on a cellular level. Geranium E.O. can be used as a deodorant, it is not harsh on the skin and because of its antibacterial properties, helps to eliminate body odor. Used as a tonic on the head, Geranium E.O. can promote hair growth. This essential oil is very common and used widely in the world of skin care and grooming.*

In close: Like all the other Essential, Essential Oils, Geranium is awesome and has many uses, both for you personally and your environment. Add some to your next bath or in your diffuser with a drop of Bergamot, it just wonderful and will help you to promote inner peace and harmony. (**please read the cautions)

have a peaceful evening...........

Lucy Blu,
for: positive living in sin city

**CAUTION: *because it slows down blood flow could pose a problem for those with high blood pressure or at risk for heart disease.....*it influences certain hormone secretions, NOT advised for use if pregnant......*like with all essential oils, you should use with care and caution, and if you have any questions, please consult your physician


Friday, March 14, 2014's always good to be Friday

TODAY: short and sweet

Have a beautiful Friday night.........all is well.........see you tomorrow..........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Thursday, March 13, 2014


TODAY: just a note......a positive affirmation

the desert sunset is so beautiful, always, but right now especially, right now because I am here right now, in the moment, in the present, in the now, I will enjoy it to the fullest

in close: take a minute to enjoy your now.......... breathe it in with all you are.......... doesn't that feel beautiful

Enjoy all your moments,

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday........wonderful, Wednesday

TODAY: Lemon Essential essential, essential oil

Lemon Essential Oil is one of the most common known scents, yet most people don't realize how wonderful it is for you, too.  Lemon E.O. is used in everything from air fresheners to cleaning supplies, to a sore throat and wrinkles, yes even wrinkles. Its properties include being antibacterial, antiviral, astringent and start.

A cup of warm water with a freshly squeezed lemon or ingestible Lemon E.O., can help to alkaline your body and will act as a detoxifier in your body, helping to cleanse out toxins and purify your liver. It is a great disinfectant for cleaning around the house. The properties of Lemon E.O. can help your body fight against cellulite and its astringent properties fight acne. If you have a dry cough you can rub some on your chest and if you have a runny nose, it is good for that, too. Lemon E.O. works great as a moisturizer in a facial toner. Its fragrance is mood lifting and can help you with your concentration, ease mental fatigue and works to calm anxiety and nervousness. Lemon Essential Oil is a happy scent and will help you to raise your frequency.

In close: Like all the Essential, Essential Oils, Lemon Essential Oil is used for a wide variety of applications. It smells good, tastes good and diffuses really nicely into the air. As with all essential oils remember "less is more"...........

Have a bright night................

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

*CAUTION: essential oils are powerful, if you have any questions or concerns, please ask a physician


Lemon is one of natures most versatile fruits, and because of its high vitamin C content, antibacterial and astringent properties, lemon is the de facto garnish in herbal teas. Lemon is used in herbal medicine to help build immunity against colds, influenza, and other viral infections. In her classic work, Grieve tells us lemon is a good astringent to use in gargles for sore throats as wise women well know. Lemon is very effective for disinfecting and cleaning household surfaces, and leaves a fresh clean scent.(2) Adding a simple slice of lemon to water not only improves taste, it provides citric acid, purifies the water, and balances Ph levels.
Lemons are an old standby for home beauty treatments. Lemon and lemon oil help to prevent wrinkles while adding a refreshing note in facial washes and masks. Applying lemon juice to facial blemishes is another popular home remedy for treating acne. Putting lemon juice on your hair and then lying in the sun was how a country girl went about getting highlights in my youth. Lemon is very astringent which is why is works so well, but also why you have to be careful not to use so much that the end result is dry, flaky skin and hair. Lemon essential oil can be used for many of the same applications as fresh lemons, without being quite as drying. Fresh lemons are becoming so expensive, especially during the winter months, that lemon essential oil may be the better bargain as well.
Lemon essential oil benefits you in good ways – it helps you stay sharp & alert plus it cleanses, sanitizes and minimizes skin oiliness
On days when you just can’t crawl out of bed when the alarm clock rings, this is the remedy.
A whiff of lemon essential oil is like slicing through a gorgeous lemon, picked fresh off the tree. The burst of fragrance is strong, fresh and lively.
That’s why I call lemon essential oil the scent of a happy day! Nothing beats its clean and vibrant scent to keep you alert the entire day.
I love this scent and inhale it during the day especially when I’m working on the computer and need tons of concentration!
Botanical Name: Citrus limon
Size: 15 ml 
Price: S$23.68
Origin: USA
Extraction method: Citrus limon cold pressed from lemon rinds. For aromatic or topical use.
Kosher Certified: Being kosher-certified means that a product is fit to use in any application in a manner that conforms to the kosher laws rooted in Biblical and Rabbinic traditions. These products and the facilities that produce them have been inspected and found to meet strict kosher requirements.
Strength of Aroma: Strong, fresh, lively. 
How Is This Essential Oil Differs From Others In the Market: 
The cultivation, harvesting, and distillation processes of each batch of essential oils are carefully controlled. Young Living has a strict Seed to Seal process that they adhere to strictly when producing their essential oils and this starts from the farms. The essential oils are derived from plants grown in US (Whispering Springs Farm, St Maries & Highland Flats Tree Farm – Utah & Idaho), Ecuador (Guayaquil), Oman (Salalah) and France (Simiane-la-Rotonde).
Once harvested, the plants are distilled using a proprietary low-temperature, low-pressure steam distillation process to ensure beneficial plant compounds in every batch of essential oil remain uncompromised. These oils then undergo stringent lab testing at the company’s own labs and third party audits to verify that each bottle of essential oil meets purity and potency standards.
Caution: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Dilution recommended for topical use. Dilute before using on sensitive areas such as the face, neck, genital area, etc. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid using on infants and very small children. Avoid using on skin exposed to direct sunlight or UV rays. Do not use near fire, flame, heat or sparks.
If you apply lemon or any other citrus essential oil on your body, remember that you should not expose your skin to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light within 72 hours.
Lemon Essential Oil: Benefits & Uses
If your child has a hard time staying focused on his lessons or homework, rub a drop of lemon essential oil on the tip of his nose. This helps during exams too. Lemon essential oil creates mental alertness for children and adults.
This essential oil isn’t just for inhalation or aromatherapy but it can also be taken – just add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil into a glass of water! (Caution: Not all brands of lemon essential oils can be ingested. With Young Living, you can.)
Combine 2–3 drops of lemon essential oil with water in a spray bottle to help cleanse and sanitize surfaces. This works well too for sanitizing your children’s toys.
Massage a drop of lemon essential oil onto oily skin or blemishes to help balance oil glands and minimize oil production.
Soothe corns, calluses, or bunions by rubbing lemon essential oil on the affected area morning and evening.
Use 1–2 drops of lemon essential oil to remove gum, oil, grease spots, glue or adhesive, and crayon from most surfaces.
Massage lemon essential oil into areas of your body with cellulite to help improve circulation and eliminate waste from cells.
Inhale lemon essential oil or place a few drops on your handkerchief to invigorate yourself when sluggish or mentally tired.
Add 10 to 15 drops of lemon essential oil to a pail of floor cleaning solution to help remove floor stains and freshen up the room.
Freshen your fridge – put a few drops of lemon essential oil on a cotton ball and place this in the refrigerator to help eliminate odours.

Benefits of Lemon Essential Oil
Submitted by FunnyFarm2 on March 03rd, 2014 –
Category: Health
I recently have been kind of looking more into use essential oils more. I have tried them in the past and they have worked well. I recently bought some lemon oil and basically have been using it for: an all purpose household cleaning product, carpet freshener and for drinking when I have a stomachache.

Doing some more research on it today I learn that lemon essential oils is:
1. Antioxidant
2. Antifungal
3. Antiviral
4. Anticancer

And that is pretty good! It has so many uses:
1. It can help with allergies
2. It can help reduce stress and relieve depression
3. It can be used for cold sores
4. You can use it as a disinfectant
5. It can help relieve constipation

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday.....loving the spring forward

TODAY: a few words of encouragement......a positive affirmation

Today was a great day..........I have put my best foot forward and with that I will be satisfied with whatever it is I have done........I will relish in the gentle evening and not rush my tomorrow........before I sleep I will give thanks for today and only then dream of another one as good tomorrow..........

Have a blessed evening........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Monday, March 10, 2014

GINA GINA..Monday.....beautiful Monday

TODAY: Peppermint.... an Essential, Essential E.O.

When we think of Peppermint, we might thing of candy, however the oil (essential oil) of Peppermint has been used forever (literally centuries). Peppermint E.O. is an uplifting and rejuvenating oil that has minerals like potassium, manganese, iron and calcium, it has omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and C. Its properties include being an: analgesic, antiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, it is anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti carcinogenic.

Peppermint E.O. has many therapeutic and versatile uses. It has been used to treat headaches, nausea, stress and is a pain reliever.  Can give relief from depression and mental fatigue, it can increase and strengthen the immune system. The menthol is good for the respiratory system and provides help for the sinuses, asthma and bronchitis. Peppermint E.O. can cure bouts of indigestion and treat urinary infections, it increases blood circulation and helps to reduce a fever. Its anti-fungal properties can help with a nail infection and promote healthy nails. It has regenerative and stimulating effects which help to promote healthy hair and skin. Peppermint E.O. because of its antiseptic properties is used to fight bad breath and germs on the gums and teeth. And this is just to start...........*

In close:
Peppermint Essential Oil is truly a great oil. It has so many uses and its properties are abundant. It is an uplifting and rejuvenating oil that can help you to raise your frequency (the energy you emit). Another great essential, essential oil.

Have a peaceful evening, welcome to a new week...........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

*use Caution when using any essential oil, if you have any concerns please consult with a physician

* /

Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday..........and a beautiful day it's been, too

TODAY: Have a great Friday

Hope you have a great and safe Friday night, headed home early, myself, catch up on some zzzzzzz's. Will write a dissertation tomorrow.........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Thursday, March 6, 2014

GINA GINA Thursday..........

TODAY: .........a positive affirmation

If someone is talking to me, that just needs to be listened to, I will keep my ears and heart open to them....... I will not attempt to alter their moment with my opinion unless asked, this is "their moment", and I will be there for them.

Keep your heart and ears open to the needs of those around you, you will soon find all your needs are taken care of too..........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday...........Ash Wednesday

TODAY: Cascia and Ginger (Essential Oils)

I had my ZytoCompass done today....... it's a little machine you put your hand on and it reads your meridians and tells you what essential oil (and its properties) your body is lacking. Today, there was only 2, "Cascia" and "Ginger"....... when she told me this, I totally understood.

Cassia: helps bring strength to a persons heart and soul. Helps to restore confidence and is a remedy for shyness (although I'm not shy). It can help you to dispel fears and replaces those feelings with ones of assurance. It invokes one to go after something, put out the effort, even if afraid of making mistakes. Cascia supports the soul, helping one to acknowledge self value and allows the light within to shine. It can help to overcome fear.

Ginger: is a powerful oil. It helps one to be present, in the moment and fully committed. There is no "victim mentality" with Ginger. It empowers the individuals to take responsibility for themselves. It promotes a warrior-like energy, the decider of your own life. With Ginger there is no waiting for someone else to help make the decision, you assume full responsibility.

With my new business open only 3 months, after my reading, I went straight to my design gallery and made myself a blend of "Cascia" and "Ginger" and will be diffusing it for the next week or so.

Have a beautiful Ash Wednesday and everyday...........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday..... Fat Tuesday

TODAY: Acknowledgment of Love....positive affirmation

I have such great family and friends, they mean so much to me "I acknowledge my love for all of them".... I am so lucky to have the people in my life that I have, they are beautiful "I will always show appreciation and gratefulness to all those that mean so much to me".... Life is a funny thing, you never know when it might get changed up on you, after all nothing lasts forever, so "I will never let an opportunity pass me by to tell the ones I love, how much I love them, how much they mean to me and how grateful I am they are in my life"

In close: Find a way to let those you love and care for, know it,  always keep your words gentle and will never have regret, if you do.

Have a beautiful evening and tell someone you love just how much you love them......

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Monday, March 3, 2014

Good Monday:)

TODAY: Rosemary Essential Oil (an essential E.O.)

Rosemary Essential Oil is  effective on the immune system, nervous system and has many other healing properties. It is "Anti" everything.....well almost:), it is: anti: bacterial, fungal, infection, inflammatory to name a few, it is an analgesic and expectorant. So it's easy to see why it's good for relief of pain, grief, stimulate the circulation, in times of transition, and good for congestion. In addition to all of that Rosemary EO is said to have a positive affect on memory, assisting us in learning and opening our conscious mind. It can help to combat nervous exhaustion and fatigue.

Rosemary Essential Oil can be used:
1) Aromatically: by diffusing or vaporizing it into the air or inhaling it directly
2) Topically: it can be diluted with a carrier oil (i.e. coconut oil) or used neat (undiluted) and put directly onto the skin. Us it in massage oils, creams, lotions, shampoos or in your bath
3) Internally: MUST BE "Certified Therapeutic Grade" and "for ingestion" (be extremely careful)**

Rosemary EO stimulates the brain and central nervous system. It helps to clear the mind, gain mental awareness and improve memory. This EO can help with mental fatigue and nervous exhaustion, headaches, migraines, and neuralgia. The antiseptic property of Rosemary EO is good for intestinal infections, diarrhea, jaundice and relieving pain form rheumatism, arthritis and gout. It is good for reducing water retention and effective against obesity and cellulite. For our respiratory system, this oil can help with asthma, bronchitis and other sinus and coughing problems. It can increase the circulation to the scalp and therefor is effective for promoting hair growth. It helps tone sagging skin, get rid of puffiness and swelling and can be used for acne and dermatitis.

In close:
Rosemary Essential OIl is highly effective for pain, the muscular system, the respiratory system and great for your skin and hair. Definitely good for your starter kit.

Have a peaceful night.....

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

**as with all essential oils, use with care and if you have any concerns please consult a physician


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Saturday......ahhhh the weekend

TODAY: a few words of inspiration....positive affirmation

Hold on to the good in life........ let go of all things you cannot change to make room for all those things you can........ If I have any affect on life, I want it to be good........ I will not stand in the way of destiny, I will embrace what this world offers me and make the most of it....... Life is purposeful and meaningful, I am a fortunate part of it...........

Have a great weekend, see you Monday!!

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city