Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday......rain, rain.......I love it

TODAY: Chamomile Essential Oil, "Roman" and "German"

Chamomile is one of the Essential, Essential Oils I recommend for a starter kit.

There is both Roman and German Chamomile, both are excellent calming properties. Roman Chamomile has properties that are more effective for irritations, feeling impatient or disagreeable, it is also good in the treatment of menopause, PMS and other menstrual problems. German Chamomile is wonderful for the skin. It helps to sooth and calm irritations and  to heal and for tissue regeneration.

The therapeutic properties of Roman chamomile EO:
Roman chamomile EO has a sweet fragrance, is very light with a watery viscosity and is a clear blue color. German chamomile EO also has a sweet fragrance, is dark blue in its color and its viscosity is medium.
The therapeutic properties of both Roman and German chamomile are analgesic, anti-spasmodic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, helps with a fever, is antibacterial, helps with digestion, and used as a sedative. German chamomile is all of that, plus an analgesic and anti-allergenic. The Egyptians used Chamomile to cure fevers and for its cooling ability. German chamomile forms a crystal in the oil, that is not actually present in the plant and you only need a small amount for it to be effective.

Germain chamomile EO is used for: calming the mind and body, it is wonderful for treating all types of inflammation and is highly effective on urinary stones, too. It can stimulate the liver and gall bladder, improving digestion and is great for the treatment of symptoms from menstrual cycle and menopause. It can calm dry, irritated, flakey skin and is also a great tissue regenerator.

Roman chamomile EO is great for: irritable children (use with caution, dilute). In general it is good for stomach pain and throat infections and can relieve PMS symptoms. It can help relieve allergies, hay fever and asthma. It can be used to calm skin problems, rashes, wounds, dry/itchy skin and many allergic conditions.

In Close:
Both Roman and German chamomile are calming and relaxing, work great on the nervous and digestive system and they both work well to heal the skin and inflammatory conditions. Don't forget you can use them in vaporizers and diffusers, blend with a carrier oil (i.e. coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil) and use as a massage oil or in the bath. Mix with lotion or cream and put on burns or rashes or skincare in general. Another way to introduce chamomile to the body is to drink it as tea (this is not an essential oil, but has the chamomile herb), chamomile tea is calming, relaxing and can help you to sleep better.  You'll just love it.

Have a safe Friday..........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

**as with any essential oil if you have any questions or concerns please consult a physician

Thursday, February 27, 2014 was sprinkling, just beautiful, lots of negative ions in the air

TODAY: the Essential, Essential Oils.... a Starter Kit

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils for emotional, physical and spiritual healing. Essential Oils are the aromatic substance extracted from all parts of a plant. They have such an abundance of beneficial properties in them and can help us in a variety of ways. To use an essential oil you can: diffuse them into the air, wear them, inhale them and even ingest them **.

However, there are so many essential oils, it can be daunting trying to figure out where to begin, so let me help. These are a few of what I call the Essential, Essential Oils, that you can begin your journey using and incorporating into your life:

1) Lavender: one of the most highly used oils, it fights infections and inflammation, can help with insomnia, depression and anxiety, and relief from pain.

2) Chamomile:  aids in digestion and promotes relaxation, a good treatment for allergies, rashes, dry skin and other skin problems, menstrual cramps, depression, anxiety, anger, is good for the complexion and hair.

3) Rosemary: relieves pain and grief, good for congestion and constipation, stimulates circulation and helps the memory and in times of transition.

4) Tea Tree (Melaleuca): fights almost every type of infection, is good for oily hair and skin

5) Peppermint: wonderful for relieving indigestion, sinus congestion, itching, panic attacks, is a mental stimulant.

6) Lemon (or other citrus i.e. Grapefruit, Orange, Lime): these are antidepressant, they kill parasites and promote a sense of cleanness, good for oily complexion and hair (when using these, be careful not to go into the sun right after use).

7) Geranium: is used for balancing the mind and body

8) Frankincense: one of the oldest essential oils, used to help with asthma, depression, ulcers, also is for anti aging, allergies, insect bites, bronchitis, colds, headaches, high blood pressure, is good for nervous conditions, prostate problems, respiratory problems, sciatic pain, sores, tension, wounds, may also help strengthen the immune system, used for emotional balancing, and skin conditions (this oil is not on every aromatherapists must have list, however, it is so wonderful and has so many benefits, my personal belief is "if you could only get one, get this one).

So there it is, the Essential, Essential Oils. With these few oils you can blend or use individually, dilute or use neat and definitely have a ton of fun experimenting on creating your own custom formulas for your bath, a massage or diffusing right into the air. Aromatherapy is fabulous, there is an occasion for every scent out there and in the future I will discuss some of them.

Have a peaceful evening.

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

**(**MOST E.O.'s are NOT ingestible, if ingesting use ONLY Certified Therapeutic Pure Grade Essential Oils that are specifically made for ingestion, from a reputable distributor and be VERY careful, know what you are doing).

**as with any product, use essential oils with care and if you have any questions or concerns, please consult a physician

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday....... calm and clear


Chi is a positive energy force inherent in all things, it is "natural energy", or "life force", its literal translation is "breath".  Associated with the most powerful animal of the Chinese mythology, the dragon, Chi is the underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts.* Chi flows through every part of your body, from your toes to your head. Linking all energy forces, Chi pulsates through all materials and forms. Human Chi flows through people, House Chi flows through a dwelling, Earth Chi refers to on earth, as well as in the ground and Heaven Chi moves through the celestial cycles.  Feng shui is the art of using and concentrating Chi. The flow of Chi is sensitive to all sorts of circumstances, elements, shapes, obstructions. The concept of Chi is found in several cultures. It is the "mana" in the Hawaiian culture, the "prana" in the Hindu religion, the "ruah" in the Jewish culture and "vital energy" in Western philosophy.

A few ways to balance your Chi:

Acupuncture: is the most popular form. This is the precise insertion of needles into the body, in an attempt to correct the flow of energy and restore balance.

Chi Gong: is the ancient Chinese art of balancing the energy flow by a chi gong master.

Chakra Healing: uses the chakras to balance and charge the energy field. It involves the detailed understanding of a healer and the energy anatomy.

Reiki: usually involves a "hands on energy healing" by a initiated reiki practioner or master.

Therapeutic Touch: the practitioner smooths out your energy field without ever touching the physical body.

Meditation: you, yourself, cleanses out any negative energy, replacing it with a positive flow of energy.

In close:
We all should strive to live with a clear Chi, a state where all that flows in and around us is in harmony.

Have a beautiful evening.

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city


Monday, February 24, 2014


TODAY:  Quartz crystals

Quartz: is the 2nd most commonly found mineral in the earths continental crust and is found all over the World. Quartz has been used for centuries to make tools, jewelry and hard stone carvings.and is considered a mystical property by Australian Aboriginal mythology, stone healers and many of the New Age community.

Clear Quartz: is an all-round good mineral, it evokes emotional peace, wisdom and higher potential

Rose Quartz: Found in Brazil and Madagascar. The color is due to the trace mineral titanium. It promotes love and compassion and brings about a sense of calm. It also awakens the imagination.

Smoky Quartz: Found in Switzerland and Austria, Brazil and the USA. The color is caused by silicon ions during radioactive decay. This mineral eases depression, is good for emotional security and opens the mind to all new possibilities.

Other quartz:
Citrine, Amethyst and Milky Quartz

Have a beautiful evening,

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday....... and all is well

TODAY: just a few words.....a positive affirmation

Today, being the beginning of the rest of my life........... I will do my best to make the most of it.......... I will make an effort to bring happiness to someone else............. I will live it with joy and appreciation and unrelenting love........... because I know we are not guaranteed anything more than now, I will not allow anyone or anything to disturb my peace of mind............. Today is the beginning of the rest of my life........... and yours too

make it a great one

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday.........have a great Friday night

TODAY:  Deep Breathing

Pay attention to the way you are breathing, right now...... are you breathing deep enough?????
Most of us are shallow breathers......... and because society loves a flat stomach, most of us walk around holding our stomachs in, this in turn causes us to shallow breath and not allow the air to reach fully into your chest, lungs and down deep into the lower belly.........  Shallow breathing has an adverse affect on our health..... it allows the build up of stress and can contribute to anxiety and depression. When emotions run high and your feeling out of sorts, you are also most likely to shallow breath at this time (when you just need a few deep breaths). Deep breathing fresh air is also a way to alkaline your body.

Deep breathing could be one of the simplest way to improve your health. You can reclaim your physical and mental health by practicing deep breathing exercises. They will help you to overcome negative emotions and possibly even physical pain. Deep breathing is a trade of incoming oxygen for the outgoing carbon dioxide.........

The benefits of deep breathing are awesome:
Your body will release up to 70% of its toxins through breathing. Deep breathing is a way to oxygenate the brain, thus releasing tension, relaxing the mind and body, bringing about clarity. It can help strengthen the immune system, increase digestion and assimilation of food, strengthens the lungs and makes the heart stronger. Deep breathing is also oxygenating all of the cells in your body, it can increase muscle, improve posture and improve cellular regeneration. You can elevate your mood, increase your energy level and improve you stamina. Deep breathing can also assist you in weight control. The process of deep breathing helps increase the circulation of the lymphatic fluid which can speed up recovery after an illness. Your nervous system is calmer, your physical appearance is better and emotionally you will feel better. The process of deep breathing will help you to lower your blood pressure and release endorphins, which improves the feeling of well-being.

How to Deep Breath:
Deep breathing, when done properly, is when you breathe deeply into your abdomen (not just your chest). The exercises should be slow, rhythmic, deep, in through the nose and out through the mouth. You can do the exercise standing or lying down, make sure you allow yourself to be free from all other distractions and relax:

1. inhale through the nose, filling your chest and expanding your belly, count to 5 on the inhale. Feel the goodness of the oxygen entering into every cell in your body
2. hold the breath for a count of 3
3. exhale through your mouth, counting slowly to 5, feel your entire body releasing old energy and anything and everything that might be negative
4. repeat several times, and even several times a day (you can not deep breathe enough)

In close:
Deep breathing should be a practice we all indulge in. You can do it in bed, at your desk at work, on a walk, just about anytime, anywhere. Try to create a routine for yourself and practice deep breathing daily. The benefits are amazing and it's free.

Deeply breathe in the wonders of this world and enjoy.........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday.......what a great day it was:)

TODAY: Lavender Essential Oil

The fabulous Lavender  Essential Oil (LEO) is one of the most widely used oils and has one the most memorable fragrance. LEO is the essential oil distilled from the flower spikes of certain lavender plant species. Kashmir Lavender oil is famously produced at the foothills of the Himalayas and Bulgaria is the largest lavender oil producer in the world.

Lavender Essential Oil Properties:
LEO's main properties are as an "antidepressant", "antiseptic" and "analgesic".

Therapeutic Uses:
There are so many therapeutic uses, from the production of perfumes, to aromatherapy and even ingesting it. LEO has a calming effect and can aid in the reduction of anxiety and stress, help in relaxation and used as a sleep aid. It has also been known to relieve tension headaches when inhaled or by rubbing on the skin. LEO has been thought to help in the treatment of a cough and some respiratory infections. Alternative medicines have used LEO as an antiseptic and pain reliever, it is used on minor burns, cuts, in cases of dermatitis and cold sores. It's properties have been used to relieve dry and chapped skin, sunburns (especially the lips) and aching muscles. Can help with fatigue, a fever, and even an earache.

How to Use LEO:
You can dilute with another oil (fractionated coconut oil, olive oil, safflower oil.....)and put directly on the skin. It is particularly effective when used in massage therapy, it helps to sooth tight and sore muscles and a sustained injury, like a sprain. If used as a massage oil, it is quickly absorbed into the blood stream, assisting the mind and body. LEO is excellent to add to your bath, it is wonderful for aching muscles, relaxing and relieving stress. Diffusing LEO is a simple and good way to gain its many benefits, just by breathing the air it is diffused in. Lavender oil has been used to flavor foods and teas.  Mix LEO with some distilled water in a spritzer and spritz it on your pillow at night.....mmmmmmmmm

In close:
Lavender Essential Oil is definitely on my top "10" must have oils. It has such a wonderful and wide range of uses and it just smells nice. I would highly recommend LEO to anyone, especially someone who is just beginning their journey into the use of essential oils.

Have a peaceful evening...........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

CAUTION: always use any essential oil with care. if you have any concerns or questions, please consult your physician


Wednesday, February 19, 2014


TODAY: short and sweet

Life is a gift of dreams, live it up
Time is a gift of moments, use them well
Day is a gift of light, when we shine bright
Night is a gift of peace, get your sleep

Never let a moment pass that you don't "live up", "use well" and "shine bright",
unless your asleep, then that's a time for peace........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


TODAY: giving ourselves a chance

Have you ever woke up and the whole world seemed upside down. You just don't feel right....... you almost feel sick, but not really........ trying to do anything seems like an unimaginable task..........
this is the time you need to "STOP" everything and think about what it is that's making you feel this way.

If you could just give yourself a chance.... just one minute to try and understand what it is you are feeling, chances are you'll be able to overcome the sensation,  just by "giving yourself a chance"...........

Our physical, emotional and spiritual health depend on us "giving them a chance" when things are just not right. It doesn't have to be a long time, sometimes you can help yourself overcome whatever is troubling you in just a few seconds, sometimes longer.......... and if it doesn't seem to want to go away in a short amount of time, you might try doing something totally uncharacteristic of you, this way you alter the time and space that your head is in (if you're not a walker, take a walk.........if you don't meditate, try meditating....... if you don't typically listen to music, listen to it.......... if you find you can't live without the phone or computer (ever), turn them off (for just a few minutes), have a cup of hot tea, put a warm towel over your eyes...........) try anything out of the ordinary that might help you take your mind off of whatever it is and place your thoughts on something else. In doing this you are replacing your thoughts of discontent, with something else (preferably something positive). You are now giving yourself that all important "chance" to get over that negative feeling....... seems simple, but it is effective.

In close: next time you are off your game for whatever reason, you don't feel good or things just don't seem right........... "give yourself a chance". Change your course of thought or direction by doing something different and getting your mind off of the "you just don't feel good" feeling. Put your thoughts to good use, helping yourself to feel better. "Give yourself the chance" to make things right, heal before you attempt to accomplish anything else. Then the "anything else" will come much easier............

Have a great day
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Monday, February 17, 2014 is absolutely beautiful today

TODAY: How to raise your "vibration" and a few words of inspiration.......a positive affirmation

There are several ways to raise your vibration, here are just a few:

How to raise your vibration:

*meditate: everyday. in the morning, in the evening or sometime during the day
*do something kind for someone: it feels good and it is an easy way to raise your vibration
*walk, deep breathing, exercise: being physical raises your vibration, and yes, just deep breathing is *physical (isn't that great:))
*repeat a positive mantra: "I am happy", "I am fortunate", "Life is good"
*humor: watch a funny movie, go to a comedy show, laughing is an all around healthy thing to do for your body
*sing: it is hard to be in a negative place if your singing, it is also one of the fastest ways to raise your vibration

Positive Affirmation:
I am a positive energy in this world.......... I will raise my vibration so as to raise the vibration of all that around me........... I will allow no one and nothing to bring me down......... I am a positive energy and because I am this world is a better place.........

In close: because you have done something purposefully to bring yourself into a higher frequency, you then ultimately vibrate at a higher frequency, vibrating at a higher frequency allows the abundance of life and all it has to offer to be a part of you.....

Have a peaceful evening........
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

**If you like what you read, please share with a friend.... thank you, Lucy Blu**

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday...... overcast, wish it would rain

TODAY: Our extraordinary Skin

Thank goodness for our skin........ it protects us, it is absorbent and it responds well to all we do to preserve and improve its conditions.

Unfortunately we constantly do harm to our skin (and immune system) in our effort to care for it.  One cause of premature aging is the free radical oxidation of our cells, toxins promote this oxidation, and many of the chemicals used to preserve and enhance today's creams and cosmetics actually pollute our skin and consequently act like antagonists to our anti-aging regimens. By choosing nourishing, natural products, we can address the needs of our largest organ and actually be doing something good for it.....that is the purpose, right?

Healthy skin is beautiful.....Dry skin is dehydrated...... a blemish is an infection......and irritated skin is inflamed.....a wrinkle is a scar. If we want the skin to regenerate itself and be its healthiest and best, we must make an effort (it won't happen by itself:) ...... we need to cleanse it, balance it and then give it an abundance of nutrition........ follow those 3 little steps and your skin will be healthy and vibrant for life.

"Natural and Organic" products are the best products we can use on our skin. They are not filled with a bunch of elements that are toxic to us and our skin.  They are the best products to tone, balance and add that abundance of nutrition we need for our skin to look, feel and be healthy.

use cleansing creams and microderms. This step is to wash away the day (or nights) dead cells that lay on the top, making our faces supple and allowing makeup to go on smoothly.

Balance and Tone:
this step is to help tighten the pores, after we've cleansed all our pores are open, we want to tighten them up, this process will help protect your skin and whether you're getting ready for bed or going out, the tighter the pores are, the healthier the skin is.

these are your creams and fluids that you use after toning.... this will help you to replace the moisture and vitamins that "just living and being" will deplete you of.

In close:
treat yourself and your skin well....... find and good natural/organic line of products and then incorporate the 3 steps above (twice a day)..... it doesn't take a lot of time and if you do it your skin will love you back, by always looking healthy and beautiful.....

Have a wonderful night........see you Monday.

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Friday, February 14, 2014

Ahhhhhhh beautiful Friday.........and Valentines, too!!!


Happy Valentines to all of you......... I hope today is filled with much joy and happiness......... Valentines is a day to show the ones you love how much you love them............ I think we should start with loving ourselves........... I believe you can only truly love someone else, if first, you love yourself. It might sound kind of conceded, but it's not...... loving yourself for all that you are and all that your not is a good thing to do. It can help you to break down barriers you might have on: going after a new job, making friends with a new person, or picking up the phone and getting in touch with someone you've not been in touch with for a while....... I feel that if you can love yourself (you know yourself best, so love completely, without bias and thought about what you might not be) then when you reach out to love someone else it will come very easy and true.

In close: You are a beautiful person........... you are what makes this world bright and a better place to live in.......... give yourself a pat on the back and tell yourself "good job"......... you deserve it.......... have a very Happy Valentines........... all my love to you............

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday.........Sweet Thursday

TODAY: just a few words......... positive affirmations

I will make my every day enriched with happiness and satisfaction...... I will extend my hand to someone in need and not think twice about it........ I will be uplifting and gracious in life and show the world it can be a beautiful place, always....... I will and so can you......

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


TODAY: Healing Stones & Crystals

 It is said you can place crystals and certain gemstones on specific points of your body to bring relief. You can use specific color crystals for chakra healing and elevate your chi (life-energy), by placing the stones on the seven major chakra points. According to folklore, many gemstones are thought to have magical and mystical powers, and crystals have had a long tradition of being used for crystal healing. Each gemstone or crystal has its own unique internal structure which resonates at a certain frequency. The healing properties are said to be derived from this resonance. Gemstone and Crystal healing therapy is a non-invasive form of alternative healing.  These therapies work holistically to harmonize your mind, body and soul, helping us to have a feeling of wellness, neutralizing negativity, elevating our mood, helping us to feel whole again.

A few stones and their healing powers:
Amber: warms the soul, used for stress relieving and calming/found in Central America, the Caribbean and The Baltics
Amethyst: this is a primary healing stone, said to bring peace, balance and inner strength/found in Brazil, India and No. and So. America
Citrine: calming and relaxing, said to promote success and abundance/found in No. and So. America
Emerald: helps with insight and ability to see good in others/found in Brazil, Columbia and India
Garnet: helps you to concentrate on the details of life, promotes love and passion/found in Central Europe, Russia, Africa and the U.S.
Hematite: strengthens the blood and improves circulation/found in Australia, Brazil and U.S.
Jade: this is a stone of wisdom and prosperity/found in China and U.S.
Lapis: promotes self confidence, alleviate depression and insomnia/found in Central Asia and Pakistan
Onyx: super root chakra stone, brings about spiritual awareness, help overcome negative feelings/found in Brazil, Mexico and U.S.
Peridot: heart chakra, helps you to focus on the positive, promotes abundance and prosperity/found in Burma the the U.S.
Ruby: a protector of health, wealth and increase happiness/found in Thailand
Topaz: said to be one of the most powerful stones, helps to balance emotions, provide protection from greed, prevent procrastination/found in Brazil and Nigeria
Turquoise: this is a healing and balancing stone, considered to be a lucky stone, relief from anger/found in the southwest U.S. and Iran
Quartz: an all around healing stone, brings good luck/found in Brazil and the U.S.

There are no studies proving the therapeutic value of gemstone or crystal healing, however, they remain widely used in holistic, naturopathic, and spiritual settings. Many of these stones are used at New Age health clinics, health spas, in massage therapy and Reiki. Healing crystals and gemstones are beautiful and are used to create a relaxed atmosphere. They are believed to promote peace and tranquility.

In close:
there are so many books and articles out there, one could get lost for days and days reading about the healing properties of crystals and gemstones.  Personally, I believe because everything vibrates at a specific frequency, that using crystals or gemstones to help heal, bring about abundance and many other things, is not far fetched.

be well and see you tomorrow.
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

*crystalhealing *crystalwellbeing *crystalcure *livescience

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday....... all day

TODAY: Frankincense

 I've spoken about Essential Oils, how wonderful they are and the many benefits derived from each different one. So not to be overwhelmed, I will discuss them individually, from time to time. Today is "Frankincense".

Frankincense is the extremely aromatic resin  taken from the genus of the Boswellia tree. There are several species  of the frankincense tree, each produces a slightly different type of resin. Even when it is the same species, if the soil and climate are diverse, then so will be the Frankincense. These Sacra trees are able to grow in very tough environments, even out of a solid rock. The resin is "tapped" from the trees 2-3 times a year, the final tapping said to produce the best product. Its quality is determined by its color, purity, aroma, age and shape, the various grades of Frankincense also depends on the time it is harvested (it is said the more opaque the color of resin is, the higher quality).

The word Frankincense means "high quality incense" and is used in incense, perfumes, neat (undiluted) on the body and as aromatherapy (diffused into the air). its' properties are said to be antiseptic and inflammatory. In ancient times Frankincense was used for medicinal purposes and has been traded for more than 5000 years. Frankincense resin is edible and is used in African and Asian traditional medicines for digestion and healthy skin (if used internally the frankincense should be translucent w/no black or brown impurities). It is said that it has healing properties and has been used in the treatment of arthritis, healing wounds, purifying the air and strengthening the female hormone system, burning frankincense in a house is said to bring good health and it is used often in religious rituals. Frankincense has a relaxing effect on the human body, it is used for uplifting  ones mood and gaining a heightened awareness (thus said to be an antidepressant). It is used to help with skin conditions, from acne to wrinkles and can reduce scarring from wounds. Frankincense is a wonderful facial product, use with steam for a facial or inhale to benefit your lungs. It is used in meditation, for joint and muscle pain, for stomach problems and on a warm or cool water compress to your forehead as a relaxing after exercise ritual.

In close:
There are many benefits and uses for Frankincense, it is one of my favorite Essential Oils. If you are just starting to use essential oils in your life, I would highly recommend adding Frankincense as one of your first, you won't be disappointed.

Have a wonderful evening.
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

*history *doterra*wikipedia *everything essential *biblicalarchaeology

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday.....overcast and gorgeous

TODAY: a few words of inspiration.... a positive affirmation

Grateful........... grateful for the air I breath, grateful for the life I lead, grateful for the ones I love, grateful for the skies above, grateful for the time with you, grateful for life a new, if I am anything today, I am grateful for everything, in every way............(c)gg

Have a beautiful evening.........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday.........the last day of the week, and the beginning of the rest of our lives

TODAY: our mind, body, soul and personal environment

I am working hard at trying to always be my best..........if not for anyone else, for myself........... I figure that if I can be my best for me, then I can have a positive affect on all those I come in contact with....... it's not easy, there are sometimes some topics that seem to want to get under my skin more than others, but if I'm smart (and I try to be that too) I will remember that my actions and reactions to events around me (even those than seem so hard to deal with)  is the energy "I" will live in that day. I don't want to get bogged down by the inevitable circumstances of life, I will raise my frequency level such that it allows me to let whatever it is (that's trying to get to me) roll off my back, like a duck.

Don't be a victim of circumstance. Rise above whatever is that's trying to bring you down. In the hardest times, make an effort to move away from negative energies, they tend to not support you in hard times and might even take that last bit of good energy you have away. Think about the long run of life. Remember it is your body, your mind, your soul and your personal environment that you are trying to keep clear. So do whatever it takes to dismiss the anger or hardship or just someone's negative energy away (far away) from you. Shroud yourself with good thoughts and the determination not to let life (and that's what it is) get to you. This will help to protect every cell in your body, your peace of mind and your soul, thus making your personal environment healthy and strong.

In close:
To make every day a good day, don't let anyone get to you. Understand, you are your own keeper and if you want to live in a positive atmosphere, you need to make the changes to see that happen. It doesn't matter what others do, only what you do.

Make today the best day ever.....

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Friday, February 7, 2014

GINA GINA Friday....fabulous Friday

TODAY:  Negative Ions (they're a positive thing)

Ever wondered why you feel so good after a day at the beach, a walk in the rain, a trip up to the mountains, or just breathing the air after a good rain? It is because of the abundant negative ions in these environments. Negative Ions are good for us, positive ions are not.

What are Negative Ions:
These are either molecules or atoms that have one or more extra negatively charged electron.

Where are Negative Ions found:
Naturally generated by evaporating water, at beaches from the ocean surf, waterfalls, country and pine forests, ionic minerals (like Tourmaline), salt lamps (the heating of i.e. Himalayan Salt Lamps emits negative ions) or you can buy room ionizers that emit these same negative ions.

How to get negative ion exposure:
The best way to get exposure to negative ions is the natural way. Go to the beach, where it flows in off the surf, better yet, go into the water at the beach. Take a walk after it has rained or go to the mountains and take a hike. If thats not easily accessible, open up the doors in your house and allow a cross breeze to take place, take a shower, or buy a Himalayan Salt Lamp, when heated, by light or candle, they emit negative ions (I have them in every room in my house, including the bathroom and I leave them on 24 hours a day).

What are the benefits of Negative Ions:
MANY.....To maintain a healthy atmosphere to live in, there must be a balance of negative and positive ions. However, because of all the electronic devices in our lives, putting out so many positive ions into our atmosphere, our air is thrown off balance. This can result in sleep problems, stress, anxiety, allergies, headaches and many other problems. You can counter the effects of these devices and thus reduce the stress on your body and purify your air by doing any of the activities mentioned above or using such things as natural ionizers and air purifiers (ie. Himalayan Salt Lamps). It is said that Negative Ions promote better digestion, increase metabolism, strengthen the immune system. Negative Ions have a relaxing and calming effect and are said to stabilize brain function, increase your alertness, decrease drowsiness, help to recover from physical exhaustion and fatigue. They can help alleviate indoor air pollutants like dust, mildew and electromagnetic fields from TV's and computers.

In close:
So next time you feel like your just not yourself, remember, it could be all you need to do is introduce more Negative Ions into your atmosphere and let them do the work for you.

Have a great Friday Night.........
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

*himalayan salt *webmd *wikipedia *ionic balance

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday........sweet Thursday

TODAY: a few words of inspiration...... positive affirmations

Today is the beginning of the rest of my life, I will live it well.... I will do something kind for someone in need.... Life is good and I am blessed to be alive.... Today I will raise my vibrational level so as to raise the vibrational level of all those in my presence.... I will appreciate the beauty of living and share my appreciation with others....

In close: it is important that we all give thanks, daily, to the mere fact that we're alive.... no one is guaranteed anything more than now, so make the most of it....

Have a beautiful night....

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday.....a wonderful day it is

TODAY: Magnetic Therapy Jewelry

What is Magnetic Therapy?:
Considered an alternative therapy, magnetic therapy is based on the theory that the delivery of magnetic fields to the body can stimulate healing. (I wear magnetic therapy jewelry that has been designed with not only "high gauss" (gauss means the strength of the magnet, the higher the better) magnets, but also gemstones (the gemstones have healing properties as well and are beautiful).

How does Magnetic Therapy Work?:
Based on the theory that when placed directly against the body the magnetic fields can stimulate healing by increasing blood flow and oxygen-carrying capacity. It is said that they can change the migration of calcium ions to a broken bone, thus accelerating the healing process, generate electricity in the blood vessels, increase ionized particles in the blood and improve circulation. Magnetic therapy has been used in the treatment of sprains, broken bones, burns and cuts. Magnetic fields can affect the body in many ways, and even though magnetic therapy has not been proven, when my husband had surgery on his wrist, which included a "bone graft and screw", the Dr.'s from Scripts Institute had him wear a "magnetic cuff" several hours a day, for several months, to help stimulate and speed up the healing process (he is a professional drummer and his wrists are a necessity to his craft, he's not stopped drumming since, the surgery was 24 years ago). NOTE: it is not the magnets themselves that do the healing, the magnets serve to stimulate the body to heal itself.

Magnets are a natural alternative to pain relief medications. It is suggested that, at first, magnets should be worn 24 hours a day. The response for each individual is different to magnet therapy. Usually results are gradual, some notice results within the first few days of wearing, others might take a few weeks.

How to choose Magnetic Jewelry:
-Bracelets are said to be affective for arthritis, carpel tunnel, allergies, anxiety, stress.
-Anklets seem to work best for foot, knee and leg pain and all over body relief.
-Necklaces are recommended for headaches, migraines, arthritis, neck, back and leg pain. Necklaces are said to provide the most dramatic results (there is more blood flow through the neck than the wrist or ankles.

You should never use magnets if you wear a pacemaker, defibrillators or any other electrical device implant (i.e.. insulin pumps). Pregnant women should not wear magnets. People undergoing radiation should not use magnets. Do not use on abdomen for 2 hours after meals. Keep magnetic products at least 6 inches away from objects such as credit cards or other magnetic media. The use of magnets should not replace the treatments of qualified medical professionals.

In close:
whether you believe in magnetic therapy or not probably has a lot to do with how well it might work for you. As in many things, the placebo effect comes in to play, but don't discount the placebo effect, it works in many, many, many cases (ever heard the statement "I think, therefore I am"?). Just make sure when you purchase a piece that it is also something that you like, so you never feel cheated.

Have a awesome day!!!!
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

*altmedicine *magneticjewelryoriginal *rob&peg'ssouthwestcreations*magneticenchantments

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday........ oh what a beautiful day it is......

TODAY:  Aromatherapy

Essential oils come from the regenerating, oxygenating and immune-strengthening properties of plants.* The size of the oil molecule is so small it can penetrate skin, quickly. These oils are capable of penetrating cell membranes, within a short amount of time (20 minutes), and can affect every cell of a body and then be metabolized like other nutrients. Essential oils contain oxygen molecules that help move its' nutrients to human cells in need. They also work to stimulate our immune systems.

There are three basic ways to use Essential oils.
Diffusing essential oils into the air.
Topical or Inhalation:
Used on the body either Neat or Diluted, or inhaling it
Taken by mouth (must make sure these are "Certified Therapeutic Pure Grade")

The use of Essential Oils thru Aromatherapy I believe is a fabulous form of alternative medicine. These oils can help alter the state of mind or mood of a person. There is a long time belief that they have healing properties and distilled essential oils have been used as medicines since the invention of distillation. The concept of aromatherapy has been around since the early 1900's*, when the word appeared first in print. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to treat or prevent disease, relieve pain, anxiety, enhance energy, or just help one to relax. Although, aromatherapy has remained unproven, preliminary studies show a positive effect (just put a little lavender spray on your pillow and tell me it doesn't relax you). Since there is No Law that prohibits the use of chemicals from being added in a synthetic form to make an enhanced scent, make sure when you purchase your essential oils that they are pure. Undiluted essential oils that are suitable for aromatherapy are called therapeutic grade or 100% pure essential oil (NOTE though,there is NO standard for this category, so it's consumer beware).

In close, I personally love using 100% pure essential oils as aromatherapy, diffusing it into the air to create a mood or enhance the atmosphere. However, when it comes to usage of essential oils topically, inhaling and definitely ingesting, please make sure you know what you are doing and if you don't consult someone that does, it is worth the effort. Don't underestimate the power of essential oils, it is important to know what you're trying to accomplish. In the future I will address specific oils............stay tuned.

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday........ Happy 1st

TODAY: Short & Sweet "sportsmanship"

The Super Bowl is tomorrow and since my team didn't make it to the game, I want to wish them both "Good Luck"........... may it be a great game, with nobody getting hurt. Hope you all have a great day, too.........whether or not you're in to football:)...........see you Monday..........

all my best,
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city