Tuesday, March 25, 2014


TODAY:  Melaleuca Essential Oil (Tea Tree Oil)....an Essential, Essential Oil

Melaleuca Essential Oil or Tea Tree Oil has been around since it was discovered to have antiseptic properties, back in Captain Cooks day. It has become a standard treatment for the prevention and treatment of infections and wounds. Melaleuca E.O. properties are: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral, Anti-infectious, Anti-inflammatory, it is an Antioxidant and Antiseptic, Melaleuca helps the digestive system and works as a decongestant, it is an Antiparasitic and used as an Insecticide, it is a stimulant and also works as a Regenerative on your tissue.
You can use Melaleuca topically and neat (undiluted) or dilute with a good carrier oil and then use for:  skin problems, toenail fungus, cuts, bites and wounds. Melaleuca is great for acne, dandruff, it supports the immune system, and in a 4% dilution is said to be effective for mouth and gum problems (**CAUTION).  It is used for allergies, ear infections, sunburns, ringworm and cavities, coughs and ear infections. Put Melaleuca Essential Oil right on a new acne break out, it's amazing. Try mixing a few drops with distilled water in a spritz and take it with you everywhere to freshen up, disinfect or deodorize almost anything (CAUTION don't use on pets) It is also a wonderful essential oil to diffuse into the air. Remember, as with all good essential oils, they are powerful, so when in doubt or unsure, use a good carrier oil to dilute it, my favorite is Coconut Oil (which is really good in and of itself).

In close: so this was the last of my Essential, Essential Oil list.......lets review:
*Lavender *Chamomile *Rosemary *Lemon *Peppermint *Geranium *Melaleuca *and my personal favorite Frankincense
Good Essential Oils are fabulous, if you are new to them, start simple, pick a favorite and begin using it in all the wonderful ways you can and then grow from there.  The use of Essential Oil is a very powerful and self enlightening thing, you will find yourself resonating with different scents at different times in your life, go with it and enjoy all the benefits that come along.

Have a beautiful evening,

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

**CAUTION for MOST brands NOT RECOMMENDED for internal use*USE with care during pregnancy *and if you have any concerns, PLEASE consult with a physician.
**CAUTION Melaleuca (Tea Tree Oil) I've read and been told is NOT GOOD FOR PETS

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