Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday..........last day of March

TODAY: Procrastination

I wish I could say I never procrastinate, but I do, not on everything, usually on the things I least want to do (right?)........... right now that's my taxes......... I wanted them to be out by the end of January, then for sure by the end of February, finally, absolutely by the end of March, and what am I doing right now........... you got it, my taxes, hopefully they will be out by tomorrow night......... I'll let you know..........

In close: if I had not procrastinated and finished them by my first finish date, or 2nd, at least by my last, I would now have no stress, no worries, no "I gotta get this done now" feeling......... procrastination, sucks, I'm adding it to my "new years resolutions"....... I for sure won't be here next year:)

Hope you've done your taxes and can enjoy the evening (even if you haven't, enjoy your evening... pick up tomorrow where you left off today).......

all my best,
Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

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