Friday, November 17, 2017

TODAY: Dandelion Root

DANDELION ROOT.....ever heard about this root? It's amazing...When I was diagnosed with my cancer, a Theta Therapist, I had gone to, recommended I start on Dandelion Root, I've been taking it ever since... 
Dandelion is a very rich source of beta-carotene which we convert into vitamin A. This flowering plant is also rich in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. It's a good place to get B complex vitamins, trace minerals, organic sodium, and even some vitamin D too. Dandelion also contains protein, more than spinach. It has been eaten for thousands of years as a food and as a medicine to treat anemia, scurvy, skin problems, blood disorders, and depression.
some of the benefits:
Widely recognized as a liver tonic as it nourishes the liver.
Because of its high iron and zinc content, dandelion root is often used as a treatment for anemia.
Has mild laxative properties and is often used to help maintain regularity.
Recognized as a great blood builder and for the liver.
Aids skin problems as well as detoxify poisons and toxic waste in the body.
It is also a mild appetite stimulant; tea made from root and leaves can help relieve digestive problems.
Dandelion root functions as a mild diuretic. Because potassium is often lost when using a diuretic, dandelion root is often a better choice for a diuretic than synthetic formulas.
Lowers cholesterol according to some studies. Early results of at least one study show that dandelion root supplements may affect the cholesterol profile in diabetic mice positively by lowering LDL and triglycerides while increasing HDL.
Its positive effects on the liver and digestion, may help the effectiveness of other vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
“Dandelion acts as a tonic to the system. It destroys acid in the blood. As it contains organic sodium, it is very good for the deficiency of nutritive salts, and is recognized as a great blood builder and purifier.“ from the book Herbally Yours
Dandelion root Nutrition
Filled with vitamins A, C, D and B complex.
Minerals are abundant too such as zinc, iron and potassium.
It is very high in calcium and other nutrients.
Dandelion Root and Cancer: The dandelion extract killed off the cancer cells in an ingenious way: it caused the collapse of mitochondrial membranes, making it impossible for the cancer cells to survive. What’s more, normal, healthy cells were completely immune to this effect.

Scientists Find Root That Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells In Only 48 Hours: This root has been used medicinally since ancient times for its various health benefits.…

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

TODAY: "You Mustn't Quit"

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest is you must, but never quit!
Life is strange with its twists and turns
As everyone of us sometimes lens,
Any many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he just held out,
Don't give up, though the pace seems slow;
You may succeed with another blow!
Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint, faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup
And he learned too late, when the night slipped down
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the cloud of doubt
And you can never tell how close you are;
It may be nearer when it seems afar
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worst the YOU MUSTN'T QUIT!
*author unknown

Never give up on your dreams and goals, you never know when you're going to reach them....
Have a beautiful evening...

Lucy Blu

Monday, October 23, 2017

My beautiful Blu has crossed over....
Gently lay your hand on them, close your eyes and caress them in your thoughts...Let your hearts beat as one, allow their earthly essence to imbed itself into yours, and know that they love you, as you love them...And when the time comes and your loved one crosses over🌈, know the bond you share with them, I PROMISE, will never leave!!! My eyes shed tears of love, my heart is pounding and my thoughts will be with you...So much love, I send your way❤️πŸ’”gg

Friday, September 8, 2017

TODAY: Knowing what to "Let go of" - Knowing what to "Hold on to"

We, as human beings, can find ourselves not letting go of the things that will hold us back:
Fear - Negativity - Gossip - Comparisons - Complaints....
We are the only one that suffers, when we do this...Letting Go, to me, is one of the greatest powers we have...Treat yourself to some continued happiness and learn to Let Go...

We, as human beings, should hold on to the best things in life, things that will move with us, forward, and support us thru lifes inevitable change:
Faith - Wisdom - Kindness - Good Vibes - Loyal Friends
We, individually and personally, have the most to gain, when we do this...Know what to Hold On To and you will find how easy it is to move thru life and its constant changes...Teach yourself what is truly important to Hold On To...

Remember, there is nothing to Fear but Fear itself...Negativity has never been good to anyone...Gossiping only shows how little you, really, think of yourself...Comparing is a waste of time...Complaints are for those who have little to talk about... Faith, Wisdom, Kindness, Good Vibes, Loyal Friends - now those are things worth Holding On To...

Have an amazing weekend, and know you're loved (by me :))....

Lucy Blu

Thursday, June 29, 2017

TODAY:  Take the lead

If there is one thing you do for yourself, in this beautiful life, here on earth....One thing, just one thing.... Take the Lead, in your own life.... Don't be the subject of others whims and needs, if you do something, do it and do it to the best of your ability and because you "want to"... If you are not sure what to do, where to go, what to say....then WAIT... wait until the answer has come to you.... and then... Take the Lead.... I, personally, am not much of a follower...not a bad, nor good, thing, it just is, what it is.... however, even if you consider yourself a follower, TAKE THE LEAD in what it is that you follow....We are all, ultimately, responsible for ourselves, our actions, our even if you want to follow, LEAD yourself onto that path... you will have no regrets and no "would of, should of, could of" following you into the future 😊 .....

Have a beautiful day, all my best and love,
❤️Lucy Blu

Monday, June 26, 2017

TODAY: the power of "I Am"
keeping your thoughts on your own life,  the rest will figure itself out...

If we spend our time, inviting the thoughts, actions, or otherwise, of other people, into our personal environment....then, what ever action, reaction, your life has with that energy, REMEMBER, you invited it in.... how often do you ask yourself - "I wonder if they're talking about me?", "what do you think they meant by that?", "I wonder if I did something?"....EVERY time you question yourself, you bring about self doubt, negative energies and vague, but there, feelings of "question"ing yourself.... STOP spending your current breath, what could be your last breath, this very moment, one more second... on what someone else might think, feel, say or act... if you want to be in CONTROL of your life, get in CONTROL of your THOUGHTS... stop second guessing yourself, its not that your questioning thoughts might not be so, its that the event is OVER, what is, IS and you rehashing things in your MIND, until (maybe) you come to some throw away conclusion, will not change anything that IS already done... its in the PAST...LET IT GO....MOVE ON....and BE HAPPY!.... this is YOUR LIFE, TOO.... don't let ANY circumstance, in LIFE, make you think different!!!! and your LIFE are as IMPORTANT, as anyone else, on this are WORTHY of having a GREAT life, HAPPY thoughts and BIG dreams, to come true.....THE POWER in those two little words "I AM", can be IMMENSE.... get in a habit of saying "I AM", about yourself... "I am healthy", "I am wealthy", "I am loved", "I am worthy", "I am", "I am", "I am"'s not selfish, it's right😘                                                                                                                                                                                             ...the rest of life will figure itself out, the way it is suppose to'll live LONGER, HEALTHIER and most importantly HAPPIER.

Make this a GREAT DAY...know you are WORTHY of  IT....😊

all my best,
Lucy Blu

Monday, June 19, 2017

LIFE IS A MOMENT...Fill It With a Dream

...Life is a moment, you can fill with a dream, it's wondrous and beautiful, like a radiant star beam...With it's light and happiness, to help guide you thru... No doubt of life's goodness, it's all here for you... and remember... Each new breath you take is the only one that matters... Live for the moment, abundance and laughter... 
Life IS a moment, now, go fill it with your dream...

Have a beautiful day, into night...🌠

Lucy Blu (gg)

Friday, April 28, 2017

Infinity and Just for Today:

Just for today, I will feel loved and give love, I will be bright, in a storm of shadows...I will live as if there's no tomorrow and yet feel like life is infinite...I will never let a friend down and allow them to stand on my shoulders, to get a lift up... I will embrace whatever change comes my way and know that the only constant, even for a day, is change... Just for today, since we can only live one day at a time...

Have a beautiful day and everyday...

Lucy Blu
positive living in sin

Monday, April 3, 2017

TODAY: Loyalty, Friendship, Love

LOYALTY = faithfulness 
FRIENDSHIP = affection between people
LOVE = a positive feeling

Just for today - I will be loyal, I will be your friend, I will love you.... with my Loyalty, will come my faithfulness to not let you down...with my Friendship, will come my affection and ability to be there for you, no matter what... with my Love, you will always know a positive feeling and thought is being sent your way... not just for today, but for everyday I am graced a breath, because I am so lucky to have you in my life...

Have a beautiful day, all my loyalty, friendship and love....

Lucy Blu

Thursday, March 23, 2017

TODAY: a positive thought

When you go to bed tonight, thank this world for its splendor
When you wake in the morning, know you're given a treasure
Of new hope, new beginnings, new dreams to make real
In the dawn of a new day, know it's your time to heal

Have a beautiful evening....

Lucy Blu

Monday, March 20, 2017

TODAY: Life is a Moment

With light and happiness to help guide you thru... No doubt of its goodness, it's all here for you...Each new breath you take is the only one that matters... Live for the moment, abundance and laughter... Life is a moment, go fill it with a dream...

Have a beautiful evening...

Lucy Blu

Friday, March 3, 2017

TODAY: Releasing Unwanted Energy "Brushing & Cut"

*Merkaba - divine light used to connect and reach those in tune with higher realms*

There is know getting away from life.... it is going to happen and there is no stopping it, nor should we want to.... for the most part its great.... however, not holding onto, or for that matter, not letting into your personal environment, mind, body or soul, negative happenings, thoughts or people, is absolutely something we can control.... I teach my Reiki clients the "Brush and Cut".... it is a great technique to let go of, release or remove negative energies that seem to attach themselves to us and don't want to leave....

Brush & Cut Technique: With intent of ridding yourself of these negative energies: *1. swipe with one hand, off of the top of your other hand, down towards your fingers, 3X's (this is brushing) and then switch brushing hands and brush down the other hand 3X's  *2..cross your forearms in front of you and making the sign of an X and push your hands outward (un-X'ing them) this is cutting...

You can do this anytime, anyplace, for whatever reason.... it might take practicing a few times before you feel the relief, but with consistency and practice, you too will be able to "Cut and Brush" your way out of all that may cause discomfort within... ultimately living a more balanced life...

Remember, you are your own boss.... yes, we need things to get along on this plane, but we only have to take into our personal environments, mind, body and souls, those things that we want there, everything else can be brushed & cut, out...

Have a beautiful day...

Lucy Blu

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

TODAY: all things beautiful

Just for today, all things will be beautiful, all thoughts will be kind, all actions will be meaningful, to no one will I be blind, all perceptions will be positive, all my focus sincere, with intent and purpose, I will live this one day of the year...just for today, since we can only live one day at a time...

Have a beautiful day and life...

Lucy Blu
for:  positive living in sin city ™®

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

TODAY: I am human
I am human, I'm sure you see, I will make mistakes, yes, that will be...though I will try to do my best, from time to time, I'll fall short, no less.... I am human... sometimes I am strong, other times maybe frail, seems I'll be on top, then start thinking "what the hell"... but most days I'll be happy with much love in my heart and then all of the sudden there's saddness and dark, I will laugh, then I'll cry and sometimes could be whatever, but in one place, I will not stay, forever and ever... I am human... I wake up days, so ready to go, get all things done, don't you know, then other days I wake and, well, you see, I'm not feelings so good, sweats and a hoodie for me... I am human... Somedays, even with the sun shining bright, I can only see darkness, though I'll look for the light and other days could be rainy, not a glimmer of bright, but I'll be so excited, I can see the light... I am human... If I do something wrong, I promise to acknowledge it and then let go, forgive myself and move on... I am human...

by: Lucy Blu

Monday, January 23, 2017

TODAY: Protecting your personal environment
We've all been talked to about our "Mind, Body and Soul" and how important it is to cleanse and protect them, but rarely, if ever, is there a discussion about our personal environment.... This is the energy field right around you..., you eat with it, you sleep with it, you go to work with it, you live with it and it lives with you.... it is the area in which most of us forget to determine what we want to let in, the area most of us forget to cleanse, the area that we allow life happenings to invade... from my perspective, if you don't protect this area, you ultimately are not taking care of the "mind, body, soul"... LIFE is going to happen...good things, tough things, happy things, not so happy things, as long as we are alive, it's going to happen... but, there is no good reason to allow LIFE to enter your personal environment and cause discourse, discomfort or imbalance and ultimately affect your mind, body and soul... I believe we can purposefully and with intent push out of this area everything, keeping it clear and free of anything and allowing us to live harmoniously in this world. If you didn't know you had a choice, I'm hear to say "you do"... Protect your personal environment and you will be protecting you mind, body and soul from the inevitable, LIFE...

Like me, share me, have a beautiful day...

Lucy Blu

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

TODAY: Love and Gratefulness

Just for today, I will harmonize my life and heart with love and gratefulness... I will have an infinite amount of love for everything and everyone I come across.... I will have gratitude and appreciation for the life and breath I am given... just for today, since we can only live one day at a time...

Have a beautiful evening...

Lucy Blu