Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Today: Our "VERY IMPORTANT" Skin

Did you know the largest organ of our body is our "Skin".  It protects us against pathogens, regulates our body temperature between hot and cold, protects our inner organs. Our skin is waterproof, so essential nutrients are not washed out, and is a natural pathway for Vitamin D, it detoxifies the body thru perspiration and protects against viruses and bacterias. Our skin has been called "the third kidney" because it is so important to eliminating waste and toxins from our bodies.

Skin is a "living organism" we need to nourish it. One square inch of human skin consists of 19,500,000 cells, 60,000 melanocytes (pigment), 90 oil glands, 19 feet of blood vessels, 650 sweat glands,  more than 1,000 nerve endings and19,000 sensory cells(*). Our skin is a magnificent organ that needs to be attended to. So now maybe you'll agree that it is NOT superficial to care so much about what our skin looks like. Treat your skin good, use ingredients like "all natural botanicals" and if scented, make sure it is scented with pure essential oils.  Read labels and choose good products that will address the real health of you and your skin.

From the beginning of the day, to the end of the evening, incorporate skin products that will nourish your skin on a cellular level. Make sure the products you choose are skin-permeable and can deliver its nutrients deep into the dermis (not all products do!!!). Make sure the products you choose will help you achieve the best results. The absorption rate of any product you use depends on the "molecule size" and its "solubility" (know your product, or, buy from reputable mixologists or aromatherapists....I carry in my boutique "Madlyn Rose" and "Malie" they're awesome)

Dry Brushing your skin is a great way to detoxify (daily). Dry Brushing (DB) helps clean out the lymph system (considered part of our immune system, detoxification occurs first through the lymph, we have more lymph than we do blood). DB helps us to shed dead skin cells, improving skin texture and cell renewal. It strengthens the immune system by stimulating the lymph vessels to drain toxins. DB  tightens skin by increasing blood flow, tones muscles by stimulating nerve endings, causing muscle fibers to activate and move. It helps stimulate circulation by allowing our skin to breath (ridding it of dead skin cells).

Our Skin needs to be cleaned, balanced and given lots of nutrition, daily........... don't skimp on the products you put onto your skin.  Remember, our skin is the "last" to receive the nutrients we ingest, however, it is the "first" to show an imbalance or deficiency.

In close, healthy skin will contribute to your overall  body health, so treat it good:)

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

* * *madelynrose

Saturday, July 12, 2014

GINA GINA: Falling off the horse

TODAY: just a few words

It is not uncommon in our journey through life that we fall off the horse. It is not the falling that matters, it is the picking yourself up and getting back on the horse, that matters. The next time you fall off, take a good look around where you're at... really can't see too much from down there, can you? ...No matter how hard the climb is, no matter how tired you are, make that extra effort to get back up and on the horse.....the view of your surroundings of life will be much better from up there....and being able to see the world, all the way around you, will help to ensure the next steps you take, are good ones......

Have a beautiful day and weekend........

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin city

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

GINA GINA: what a beautiful day

TODAY: Healing wounds with Essential Oils

Weather you have a cut, scrap, scratch, puncture or insect bite, there is Essential Oil that can help to quicken the healing process. Essential Oils contain many medicinal properties from being anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, antiseptic, to analgesic, from anti-inflammatory and antibiotic, to homeostatic (helps stop the bleeding). The properties in Essential Oils are absolutely amazing. Most of the over-the-counter products for these wounds, have petroleum products in them. The molecule of petroleum salves are too big to penetrate the skin, so they sit on top. Essential Oils, on the other hand, their molecules are small and are absorbed right into the skin, Essential Oils can even penetrate the blood brain barrier.

All Essential Oils contain MANY of the properties listed above. The following suggestions are just a few applications for the named Essential Oil:

Lemon, Oregano, Melaleuca

Disinfecting an abrasion (sore, cut, wound, bite):
Melaleuca, Clove, Rosemary, Oregano, Thyme

Infected cuts and wounds:
Clove, Myrrh, Lavender

Helichrysum, Lavender, Geranium (different type of scars, different essential oil)

Stop Bleeding (hemostatic oils (help clot blood)):
Rose, Helichrysum, Geranium, Lemon

Pain Relief:
Lavender, Marjoram, Wintergreen, Sandalwood


Lavender and Melaleuca are two of the best essential oils for all around wound healing.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the beneficial powers and properties of Essential Oils. It is my belief that there is an Essential Oil out there for almost every ailment known to mankind. Next time you're in need try one of these instead of an "over the counter"ointment, it's a healthier way to heal.

Have a beautiful evening.........

Lucy Blu,
for: positive living in sin city

*CAUTIONif you have any concerns or questions, please seek professional medical advice. ALSO: as always, Essential Oils are extremely powerful, a very small amount goes a long way, dilute when necessary, and use with extreme care and caution.

**DoTerra, YoungLiving

Courtesy of "DoTerra":
Natural First Aid Spray
Place these oils in with 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Place in 8 ounces of distilled water in a spray bottle and then add the salt mixture. Shake until dissolved.
Spray on minor wounds and cuts before applying bandages. Repeat several times per day for 3 days. Apply one or two drops of Tea Tree oil as well.