If there is one thing you do for yourself, in this beautiful life, here on earth....One thing, just one thing.... Take the Lead, in your own life.... Don't be the subject of others whims and needs, if you do something, do it and do it to the best of your ability and because you "want to"... If you are not sure what to do, where to go, what to say....then WAIT... wait until the answer has come to you.... and then... Take the Lead.... I, personally, am not much of a follower...not a bad, nor good, thing, it just is, what it is.... however, even if you consider yourself a follower, TAKE THE LEAD in what it is that you follow....We are all, ultimately, responsible for ourselves, our actions, our words....so even if you want to follow, LEAD yourself onto that path... you will have no regrets and no "would of, should of, could of" following you into the future π .....
Have a beautiful day, all my best and love,
❤️Lucy Blu
for: positivelivinginsincity.com
and: ginaginalv.com