Monday, January 23, 2017

TODAY: Protecting your personal environment
We've all been talked to about our "Mind, Body and Soul" and how important it is to cleanse and protect them, but rarely, if ever, is there a discussion about our personal environment.... This is the energy field right around you..., you eat with it, you sleep with it, you go to work with it, you live with it and it lives with you.... it is the area in which most of us forget to determine what we want to let in, the area most of us forget to cleanse, the area that we allow life happenings to invade... from my perspective, if you don't protect this area, you ultimately are not taking care of the "mind, body, soul"... LIFE is going to happen...good things, tough things, happy things, not so happy things, as long as we are alive, it's going to happen... but, there is no good reason to allow LIFE to enter your personal environment and cause discourse, discomfort or imbalance and ultimately affect your mind, body and soul... I believe we can purposefully and with intent push out of this area everything, keeping it clear and free of anything and allowing us to live harmoniously in this world. If you didn't know you had a choice, I'm hear to say "you do"... Protect your personal environment and you will be protecting you mind, body and soul from the inevitable, LIFE...

Like me, share me, have a beautiful day...

Lucy Blu

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

TODAY: Love and Gratefulness

Just for today, I will harmonize my life and heart with love and gratefulness... I will have an infinite amount of love for everything and everyone I come across.... I will have gratitude and appreciation for the life and breath I am given... just for today, since we can only live one day at a time...

Have a beautiful evening...

Lucy Blu