Monday, December 26, 2016

.... Merry Christmas, let the spirit of the season fill you heart with love, health and happiness...
Happy Holidays, this is a season to share your love and warmth, with those you love & those in need..Happy New Year, this is your opportunity to make a difference, make a change, inspire anew

`May your days be filled with all the love and happiness, one can hold,
`May you give of yourself to others, sharing your warmth and love,
`May you have an amazing Happy New Year celebration use the new breaths in the new year to make a difference in life, make a change, be inspired and begin anew, have abetter place to live and breathe
`Life is wonderful.... clear out the energies from your personal environment that do not evoke goodness.... keep a clear mind and a clear path to a brighter, even more fulfilling future.... As far as we know, this life comes but once, there is no better time than now, know matter your age, your financial status, no matter better time than now, to make a difference....go for it, dream big, decide your path and go for it.

Have a beautiful evening....
Lucy Blu

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

TODAY:  Hope
Just for today I will feel hope, I will give hope to someone in need, I will speak hope, to everyone I talk to, I will believe there is hope in every situation and for every person... Just for today, since we can only live one day at a time...

Have a beautiful evening...

Lucy Blu

Friday, December 2, 2016

TODAY:  just for today

Just for today I will have no fear, instead I will have that everything will be just fine.... just for today, since we can only live one day at a time

Have a beautiful day...

Lucy Blu