Tuesday, July 26, 2016

TODAY: Success, it's for everyone

Not sure who said these two quotes, but they sure are true:

First 1:  "shortest road to success, is knowing who to follow"
Second 2: "Success is a matter of not quitting and failure is a matter of giving up too soon"

The first one: "knowing who to follow"... that can be difficult to determine and we might (and I did) follow the wrong "who"... many times.... but don't let that be defeating, it's not always the "shortest road..." that will be the best road.... stay on your path, keep your thoughts and dreams focused on you and covet nothing from others... as a matter of fact, let the success of others propel you and encourage you.... then its not just "knowing who to follow", 'it's' knowing what to get from the those you choose to follow'... so then, maybe...'the road to success, is knowing what to get from those you follow'...

The second one: success-not quitting/failure-giving up.... I'd rather not look at "success" through the eyes of failure, ever.....it's not that there won't be times of failure, I just think if we are speaking of "success", it would be just as easy to keep it in positive term... so then, maybe... "Success is a matter of not quitting and" 'not giving up'....

We can all be successful, look into your life at the smallest thing ...  ie. 'smiling at the world when you wake up from sleeping',... to the biggest thing ... ie. 'ending your day, still smiling at the world), ....Success, truly is for everyone....

Have a beautiful day....

Lucy Blu
for: positivelivinginsincity.com
and ginaginalv.com

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY:  Life is Good

Life is good.... It's not meant to be endured, it's meant to be enjoyed... It's not meant to be weathered, it's meant to be wondered... It's not meant to hold you back, it's meant to drive you forward.... Life is anything and everything you want to make of it.... Not that it won't be without its difficulties, but for the most part, Life is Good....

Like me, share me, have a beautiful day....

Lucy Blu
for: positivelivinginsincity.com
and GinaGinaLV.com

Friday, July 15, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: Brushing and Cut

*Merkaba - divine light used to connect and reach those in tune with higher realms*

There is know getting away from life.... it is going to happen and there is no stopping it, nor should we want to.... for the most part its great.... however, not holding onto or for that matter letting into your soul,  negative happenings, thoughts or people, is absolutely something we can control.... I teach my Reiki clients the "Brush and Cut".... it is a great technique to let go of, release or remove negative energies that seem to attach themselves to us and don't want to leave....

*With intent to rid yourself of these negative energies: "swipe with one hand off of the top of your other hand, towards your fingers, 3X's (this is brushing) and then switch brushing hands and do the other 3X's, *then cross your forearms in front of you and making the sign of an X and push your hands outward (un-X'ing them) (this is cutting)"...

You can do this anytime, anyplace, for whatever reason.... it might take doing it a few times, but I'm sure with practice you, too, will be able to "Cut and Brush" your way out of anything and everything that causes discomfort within and live a more fruitful, happy life...

Remember, you are your own boss.... yes we need things to get along on this plane, but we only have to take on to our thoughts, body and soul, those things that we want there, everything else should be dismissed.

Have a beautiful day and weekend...

Lucy Blu
for: positivelivinginsincity.com
and GinaGinaLV.com

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY: Brushing and Cut

*Merkaba - divine light used to connect and reach those in tune with higher realms*

There is know getting away from life.... it is going to happen and there is no stopping it, nor should we want to.... for the most part its great.... however, not holding onto or for that matter letting into your soul,  negative happenings, thoughts or people, is absolutely something we can control.... I teach my Reiki clients the "Brush and Cut".... it is a great technique to let go of, release or remove negative energies that seem to attach themselves to us and don't want to leave....

*With intent to rid yourself of these negative energies: "swipe with one hand off of the top of your other hand, towards your fingers, 3X's (this is brushing) and then switch brushing hands and do the other 3X's, *then cross your forearms in front of you and making the sign of an X and push your hands outward (un-X'ing them) (this is cutting)"...

You can do this anytime, anyplace, for whatever reason.... it might take doing it a few times, but I'm sure with practice you, too, will be able to "Cut and Brush" your way out of anything and everything that causes discomfort within and live a more fruitful, happy life...

Remember, you are your own boss.... yes we need things to get along on this plane, but we only have to take on to our thoughts, body and soul, those things that we want there, everything else should be dismissed.

Have a beautiful day and weekend...

Lucy Blu
for: positivelivinginsincity.com
and GinaGinaLV.com

Thursday, July 14, 2016

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

TODAY - Abracadabra - I create as I speak

Abracadabra, I create as I speak... I speak as I think... I think as I'm moved... I'm moved by all that surrounds me...

have a beautiful day....

Lucy Blu
for: positivelivinginsincity.com