Friday, March 7, 2025

Beginning of the rest of your Life

Welcome to the beginning of the rest of your life...may it be everything you've dreamed of


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Gifted Another Breath

 As the sun rises on this new day, as you take your next gifted breath, know that somebody has just taken their last…🌠 be grateful and kind, have love and compassion… know that you are being gifted an opportunity, another chance, to make what was wrong - right... fill your heart and soul with that love & compassion, kindness & gratefulness, fill it up deeper than you ever have before… and then share it… let go of the past, be present in the now…❤️gg

Sunday, December 29, 2024


 IMAGINATION: To imagine is to perceive something, without using taste, touch, sight, scent or hearing... it is with our imaginations that we have no limitations🌠

Just Imagine...🌌


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Go For It

 Long shots have risks and

Life has no promises... but

don’t  let that stop you from going for it.....❤️gg 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Road to Success

Our road to success is in front of us...

We should only look back to see how far we’ve come...

Remember, “there is no history in the now”…(Mooji)

have a beautiful day❤️gg

Thursday, May 2, 2024

True Visionary

 It is a true visionary that sees the world with love, compassion and gratitude🌠Have a beautiful day❤️gg

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

A universal language

Everyday can be a day filled with love, peace and kindness... it is a language every species on earth will understand...❤️gg

Saturday, January 20, 2024

For Denise

 My beautiful sister Denise❣️ Dee Mar

4 years have passed, though sometimes seems like only seconds, and since 

So many more we loved together have joined your eternal essence🌠

I understand now, time waits for no one, I truly truly do

And it rests upon us left on earth to make the most of our time, for you😘

Another thing I’ve gained in thought is your love will be with me forever

And I remind my friends, that have loved ones passed, that energy will too leave them never🌠

So I end this 4th tribute to you, Denise, with words I’ve said before

“your eternal essence will stay lit, not just in me, but forever and evermore”


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Your Energy Flow

Remember…”Energy flows, where attention goes".... 

So place your Attention with Purpose & Intent❤️gg

Monday, January 15, 2024

Find your calm, live in peace

 It is in the calm after a storm that we begin to fully appreciate the peace...

Find your calm, live in peace...


Sunday, January 14, 2024

Your next gifted breath

 As the sun rises on this new day, as you take your next gifted breath, know that somebody has just taken their last…🌠 be grateful and kind, have love and compassion… know that you are being gifted an opportunity, another chance, to make what was wrong - right... fill your heart and soul with that love & compassion, kindness & compassion, fill it up deeper than you ever have before… and then share it… let go of the past, be present in the now…❤️gg

Saturday, November 25, 2023


HOPE:…May everyday you wake you be gifted with new Hope❤️gg

Thursday, November 2, 2023

"I Am Human" by: gg evans

 "I Am Human"... by: gg evans (Gina Evans  aka: Lucy Blu)

I am human, I'm sure you see....I will make mistakes, yes, that will be...

Though I will always try to do my best, from time to time I'll fall short, no less...

I am human...

Sometimes I am strong, other times may be frail, seems I'll be on top, then start thinking "what the hell"...

But most days I'll be happy, with much love in my heart, and then all of the sudden there's sadness and dark...

I will laugh, then I'll cry and sometimes could be "whatever"...but in one place I will not stay, forever and ever...

I am human...

I wake up days, so ready to go, get all things done, don't you know...

then other days I wake, and well, you see, I'm not feeling  so good, its sweats and a hoodie for me

I am human...

Somedays, even with the sun shining bright, I only see darkness, though I look for the light, 

and then other days will be rainy, not a glimmer of bright, but I'll be so excited "I can see the light"...

I am human...

I promise to acknowledge if I do something wrong 

I'll forgive myself, let it go and then move on...

I am human...

Have a beautiful day and accept "you are human too"❤gg

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Just for today

 Just for today - all will be beautiful, all thoughts will be kind, all actions will be meaningful, to no one will I be blind, all perceptions will be positive, all my focus sincere, with intent and purpose, I will live this one day of the year... Just for today, since we can only live one day at a time...❤️gg

for: positive living in sin city ™®

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Manifest your dreams into reality...🌈

The universe gifts us that opportunity🌠

To achieve, you must truly believe❤gg

Saturday, January 1, 2022


May 2022 bring about peace, happiness, an abundance of health and love, for all🌈

Today is the beginning of the rest of your life, you have the ability to make of it what you dream for🌠so dream big and make all your dreams come true🎆

I'm pulling for you❤😘❤gg


THANK YOU for all your birthday wishes❣

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


IMAGINATION: To imagine is to percieve something, without using taste, touch, sight, scent or hearing... it is with our imaginations that we have no limitations🌠

Just Imagine...🌌


Thursday, December 23, 2021


 WISDOM, it can be gained thru our journey of life... 

To seek wisdom, is to seek understanding and insight...

Have a beautiful day❤gg

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

 The Winter Solstice ❄🌠❄

What a beautiful time of the year❄️

May your days and nights be filled with an abundance of love, peace and happiness 


Saturday, December 18, 2021


A gentle all around awareness', to be conscious and in the moment... 

Be mindful of yourself and those around you, 

Make this world a better place🌈


Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Serenity is a state of mind, body, soul and your personal environment.... allowing peace and calm into your life will bring you to to a place of Serenity... 


for: positive living in sin city (c)(t)(r)

Thursday, December 9, 2021



To Believe is to hold something in truth, even without proof... 

It is a feeling that comes from within...

Believe, in yourself, Believe that anything is possible, Believe in magic...

The best way to "achieve" is to "believe"...


Monday, December 6, 2021


To be thoughtful, is to be kind and considerate...

illuminate and share your thoughtfulness with this world...

then, watch and see what kind of positive difference you will make..

Have a beautiful day❤gg

Saturday, December 4, 2021


The Dreamer sees limitless possibilities in life, even at their most difficult time.... 

Be a dreamer, allow the universe to unfold for you in its most spectacular way... 

Let your dreams lead you to places you thought you could only imagine... 

There is nothing and no one that can stand in the way of a dreamer

Never stop dreaming❤️gg

Friday, December 3, 2021

Fear not the path ahead of you, even if you walk alone....

go as far as you have life, remembering life is your journey❤gg

"If you find no one to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone"...buddha

Thursday, December 2, 2021

HOPE: believing in the uncertain.... 

Keep your heart and spirit open to this, daily.... 

You'll have a better chance of having the uncertain become certain...


Wednesday, December 1, 2021


Sending you positive thoughts & wishes for an abundance of

Love, Health, Peace & Happiness


Monday, November 29, 2021

 HUMBLE: an extraordinary attribute, we should all strive to be.... life is going to have its moments, but if we can manage to stay humble, thru all the times we live, we will have been gifted a true measure of happiness... for it is in being humble, that we are most kind, most understanding, our most and best human... 

Have a beautiful evening, and remember, we can never be too humble❤gg

For: Positive Living in Sin City

Thursday, November 18, 2021

 The Rain Forest, The Oceans, The Endangered Species, Fellow Human Beings.....

we need to learn how to all live on this earth, Mother Earth, without destroying her or each other... 

peace and love🌈gg

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Rest....but DON'T QUIT!!!

"You Mustn't Quit"
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but never quit!
Life is strange with its twists and turns
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
Many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he just held out,
Don't give up, though the pace seems slow;
You may succeed with another blow!
Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint, faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup
And he learned too late, when the night slipped down
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the cloud of doubt
And you can never tell how close you are;
It may be nearer when it seems afar
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worst the YOU MUSTN'T QUIT!
*author unknown

Never give up on your dreams and goals, you never know when you're going to reach them, you never know what's around the next just never know....
Rest....but NEVER QUIT!!!!
Have a beautiful day❤gg

for: Positive Living in Sin City

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Be nice for no reason..... It's easy!.....Just do it ❣️

And, have a beautiful day❤️gg

for: Positive Living in Sin City 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


 Ahhhhh, that inevitable change, the one thing promised by life...may you be the one most responsive to it...

have a beautiful weekend❤️gg

for: Positive Living in Sin City

Monday, November 8, 2021

CHANGE: The Constant in Life

Change: the guaranteed constant in life...

Create your own realty, by not being the victim of circumstance...

Dont be caught off guard, create your own change in  life🌈

Have a beautiful day❤gg

for: Positive Living in Sin City 

and: Gina Gina

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Loyalty, Friendship, Love

 Today: I will be loyal, I will be your friend, I will love you... With my LOYALTY, will come my faithfulness to not let you down... With my FRIENDSHIP, will come my affection and ability to be there for you, no matter what... With my LOVE, you will always know a positive feeling and thought is being sent your way... NOT just for TODAY, but for EVERYDAY I am graced a breath...🌈

Have a beautiful day❤️gg

Lucy Blu

For: Positive Living in Sin City tm

Friday, November 5, 2021

I am just human...

TODAY:  "I Am Just Human"

I am just human, I will have many failures and successes in my life time, there will be times of triumph and tragedy, happiness and sorrow... I am just human,, if possible,  I will make right, the wrong decisions  I have made in my life time,... there will be times of celebration and times of grieving, times... times where I feel like I'm moving forward and times I feel like I'm just standing still... I am just human, I will do things right and sometimes wrong... I will stand strong and other times will need the shoulder of a friend to help hold me up... I am just human, I will try to project life in a positive way, but if I am under the weather and can't find the strength, because I am human, I will allow the universe to step in and do this for me... Leaning on the universe or the kindness of another human being does not make me weak, it just means "I am human"...

Have a beautiful day❤gg

for: GINA GINA and
positive living in sin city

for: GINA GINA and
positive living in sin city

Energy flows where attention gows

 We are the creators of our own destiny... so, be mindful of where you put your attention, knowing that where your attention goes,, so flows your energy ...

 Have a beautiful day❣gg

For: Positive Living in Sin City

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Go with the Flow

 We never know where life can take us... so, just go with the flow...

Have a beautiful

Tis the Dawn of a New Day by: gg evans

Tis the Dawn of a New Day, all potential is here... Dream dreams of abundance, health and much cheer... Let go of the past year and know that it's gone... Sing songs of celebration for every new dawn

With light and happiness, to help guide you thru... No doubt of its goodness, its all here for you... Each new breath you take is the only one that matters... Live for the moment, abundance and laughter

Life is a moment you can fill with a dream... Never letting the past hold you down, is what I mean... Let go of the yesterdays, be they good, bad or fair... They are gone now forever, that's all you should care

The sun of this new day can shine bright on your life... The moon of this new night will make dark into light... Each breath that you're graced with is your special gift... To strengthen your insides and five you that lift

The crispness of winter was long in the air... Cherish each moment with thoughtfulness and care... Live for today and hope for tomorrow... Nothing last forever, not sadness, not sorrow

You can do this, I know you can, make each second matter... Leave the past in the past, let no dust be gathered... Your see the weight of the world need not rest on your shoulder... Each dawn is a new day, each new breath makes you bolder

Whenb you go to bed tonight, thank this world for its splendor... When you wake in the morning, know you're given a treasure... Of new hope, new beginning, new dreams to make real... In this dawn of the new day, know it's your time to heal

Tis the dawn of a new day, it's your time to shine... Be bold and dream big dreams of life in a rhyme... Remember to help others less fortunate than you... Have a beautiful day, to you all and much love to you too

by: GG Evans

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Live, Love, Laugh, DREAM!!!
Today is the beginning of the rest of your life, there's nothing stopping you🌈

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Your Journey

A Journey is a passage, travels, movement thru time, space... it is said "life is not a destination, but a journey"... may your journey thru life be beautiful, exciting and take you to and thru all of your dreams...

For: Positive Living in Sin City tm


Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Dreamer will see the limitless possibilities in life, even at its most difficult time.... be a dreamer, allow the universe to unfold for you in its most spectacular way... let your dreams lead you to places you thought you could only imagine... there is nothing and no one that can stand in the way of a dreamer
Never stop dreaming❤️gg

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Just for today, all things will be beautiful, all thoughts will be kind, all actions will be meaningful, to no one will I be blind, all perceptions will be positive, all my focus sincere, with intent and purpose, I will live this one day of the year...just for today, since we can only live one day at a time...

Lucy Blu
for: positive living in sin

GINA GINA - positive living in sin city

Thursday, August 23, 2018

How far will you go?...
Life is an adventure, go as far as you have life... 