Thursday, May 9, 2024

Road to Success

Our road to success is in front of us...

We should only look back to see how far we’ve come...

Remember, “there is no history in the now”…(Mooji)

have a beautiful day❤️gg

Thursday, May 2, 2024

True Visionary

 It is a true visionary that sees the world with love, compassion and gratitude🌠Have a beautiful day❤️gg

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

A universal language

Everyday can be a day filled with love, peace and kindness... it is a language every species on earth will understand...❤️gg

Saturday, January 20, 2024

For Denise

 My beautiful sister Denise❣️ Dee Mar

4 years have passed, though sometimes seems like only seconds, and since 

So many more we loved together have joined your eternal essence🌠

I understand now, time waits for no one, I truly truly do

And it rests upon us left on earth to make the most of our time, for you😘

Another thing I’ve gained in thought is your love will be with me forever

And I remind my friends, that have loved ones passed, that energy will too leave them never🌠

So I end this 4th tribute to you, Denise, with words I’ve said before

“your eternal essence will stay lit, not just in me, but forever and evermore”


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Your Energy Flow

Remember…”Energy flows, where attention goes".... 

So place your Attention with Purpose & Intent❤️gg

Monday, January 15, 2024

Find your calm, live in peace

 It is in the calm after a storm that we begin to fully appreciate the peace...

Find your calm, live in peace...


Sunday, January 14, 2024

Your next gifted breath

 As the sun rises on this new day, as you take your next gifted breath, know that somebody has just taken their last…🌠 be grateful and kind, have love and compassion… know that you are being gifted an opportunity, another chance, to make what was wrong - right... fill your heart and soul with that love & compassion, kindness & compassion, fill it up deeper than you ever have before… and then share it… let go of the past, be present in the now…❤️gg